Search results for Sparks for WooCommerce

597 articles found

  • How to use WordAI or SpinnerChief to Rephrase RSS content in Feedzy

    Prerequisites: To use the SpinnerChief or WordAi integration, you must have the Agency Plan of Feedzy RSS plugin. You need to have a valid WordAI or SpinnerChief subscription. Feedzy RSS Feeds does

  • How to recreate Hestia PRO frontpage using page builders with shortcodes

    If you are using Hestia PRO and want to add new sections on the front page, you're in the right place. Recreating the front page sections is not a difficult process, the main accent falls on the

  • LightStart - Maintenance Mode, Coming Soon, and Landing Page Builder Documentation

    The LightStart - Maintenance Mode, Coming Soon, and Landing Page Builder plugin is a perfect tool for any website that lets visitors know your site is down for maintenance or add a coming soon page.

  • Blog Booster Module Documentation

    πŸ“ Note: The Blog Booster module is part of Neve Pro which you can get from here. If you would like to learn more about the Neve Pro Addon, take a look at Neve Pro Addon's full documentation. The

  • How to host Hestia fonts locally?

    Hestia theme allows for local font hosting, and this article presents the required steps to do this. Customizer toggle Code snippet πŸ“ Note: Please note that by implementing the solution provided in

  • How to Start Page Generation From a Template?

    πŸ“ Note: This feature is part of the MPG plugin, which you can get from here. If you want to learn more about it, check out our dedicated doc. The Dataset Library delivers ready-to-go templates for

  • How to Customize the Header/Footer in Neve FSE Theme?

    Neve FSE Theme comes with a very powerful feature that will help previous Neve users improve their experience with the block-based editor. Apart from the possibility of creating a header and footer,

  • How to display an image instead of the video on mobile in Hestia

    Hestia Pro has an option to display a video as the background for the Big Title/Slider section. Unfortunately, on mobile, the video will not work. For Hestia PRO, we are using WordPress's core Header

  • Encountering 404 – Page Not Found

    The Multiple Pages Generator is a WordPress plugin for the bulk creation of pages, even unlimited pages. However, if your URL is showing as a 404 Error – Page Not Found, here’s a checklist to fix it:

  • How to change the page template in WordPress

    πŸ“ Note: There is at least one custom page template file in your active Theme's folder. If you change your Theme, the page templates in your previously activated Theme will not display. In WordPress,

  • Custom invoice and tax exemption

    Thank you for considering our products! After purchasing a subscription or a lifetime plan to one of our products, a default invoice will be generated by the system - example here. You can contact us

  • How to add a link/button in about section of Zelle

    The about section supports HTML content so you can easily add a link or button in this section. To achieve this add the following code to the middle content section. For adding a button of similar

  • MPG Project Main Options

    πŸ“ Note: This feature is part of the MPG plugin, which you can get from here. If you want to learn more about it, check out our dedicated doc. When creating a project, even if it's from scratch or by

  • What is the difference between Feedzy RSS Feeds Free and PRO?

    Which product version suits you better, free or PRO? Jump to: Import Options Integration with SpinnerChief & WordAI Display feeds Support Built-in services Tag Actions πŸ“₯ Import Options Using this

  • How to use Our Focus Widgets on a custom page or post in Zelle

    Many times users ask us if they could use the Our Focus widgets on another page other than the homepage. If you've tried this you might notice that the widgets show up squeezed if you use SiteOrigin

  • Scroll To Top Module Documentation

    πŸ“ Note: The Scroll To Top module is part of Neve Pro which you can get from here. If you would like to learn more about the Neve Pro Addon, take a look at Neve Pro Addon's full documentation. This

  • Team Member Widget

    πŸ“ Note: The Team Member widget is part of Neve PRO's Elementor Booster module. The Team Member widget presents members' information in an interactive way. Here are the areas approached in this

  • How to request a refund

    We firmly believe in and stand behind our products 100%, but we understand that it cannot work perfectly for everyone all of the time. How to request a refund A refund request can be submitted on

  • Post Type Enhancements Module Documentation

    πŸ“ Note: The Post Type Enhancements module is part of Neve Pro which you can get from here. If you would like to learn more about the Neve Pro Addon, take a look at Neve Pro Addon's full

  • How to Configure the Very Top Bar in Zelle

    Table of contents Enable the top bar Layout Options Top Bar Content Field Configure Top Menu Changing colors Displaying only menu/widget area Show Contact information in the Very Top Bar Show social

  • How to Add a Google Map to Generated Pages (in bulk)

    MPG WordPress plugin is a mass page generator that enables unlimited pages to be generated in bulk. And you can make these pages as unique and dynamic as you’d like, with images, videos, and maps!

  • Feedzy RSS Feeds Documentation

    Feedzy is an RSS aggregator that helps you curate content, auto blog, display, and import RSS feeds within a few minutes. πŸ“ Note: Exciting news! We do offer a demo for Feedzy, allowing you to

  • How to hide the category description from the menu

    In some cases, the category description might appear on the menu, for example, when using a mega menu as presented in this guide. To remove it, please navigate to Dashboard -> Appearance -> Menus,

  • How to change the status of the review

    To change the status of the review for particular posts, add this following snippet to the functions.php file of your theme or your child theme. add_filter('wppr_review_change_status',

  • How to Display Favicons in Logo&Site Identity?

    Favicon icons can be used in Neve to create a customized title for your website inside the browser. 1 Create and download the wished favicon icon for your website. 2 Navigate to Dashboard >

  • How to customize colors, font-size and padding in Hestia

    This guide covers how to change colors, font-size, or padding ( space ) within the front page sections of Hestia Pro by using custom CSS code, in case there isn't an option in the theme for the

  • How to translate FSE themes using WPML?

    πŸ“ Note: Please note that in order to translate FSE themes using the following steps, you need first to install the WPML plugin. Configuring WPML Translation Management Translate FSE Templates

  • How to Add a Shortcode to My Template?

    Simple MPG shortcode is automatically taken and generated from the data source file you upload in your MPG Project. For example, if you have a column β€œCity” and β€œState”, then MPG will generate

  • How to display Amazon Products using Feedzy?

    πŸ“ Note: This feature is part of the premium version of Feedzy RSS Feeds, which you can get from here. To display Amazon Products as feed, just follow the steps below: 1 Navigate to Feedzy >

  • How to Manage Template Page in Neve FSE?

    The templates might be handy if you want to create a standard appearance for the pages/elements of your website. These can be easily added and designed from the FSE Editor. Edit Template Change

  • How to generate featured images using ChatGPT in Feed to Post

    πŸ“ Note: The image generation with ChatGPT feature is part of the Feed To Post import method in Feedzy RSS Feeds, and it is part of the Developer plan. Requirements: OpenAI API key - go on the OpenAI

  • Block Editor Booster Module Documentation

    This module boosts your website's functionality by bringing in a set of blocks for the WordPress editor. πŸ“ Note: The Block Editor Booster module was part of the Neve Pro Agency modules; however, it

  • Flip Card Widget

    πŸ“ Note: The Flip Card widget is part of Neve PRO's Elementor Booster module. The Flip Card widget consists of a card with two sides (Front Side and Back Side) between which the user can flip when

  • PPOM Free Input Types

    PPOM is an essential tool that can increase your online shop's popularity by adding various free and pro meta input fields. Check Live Demo Text Input Select Input Checkbox Input Date Input Hidden

  • The Palette Switch Component - Neve Header / Footer Builder

    πŸ“Note: This component is part of the Neve Header / Footer Builder. The Palette Switch component adds a toggle or an icon to the header area that can be used to switch the website color scheme from

  • How to edit the blog page

    Editing the blog page of a WordPress website is a popular question, however, it's not that easy to achieve it. The tricky part here is that the blog page isn't actually a page. WordPress

  • How to use hCaptcha with Otter?

    The hCaptcha protects your websites from bots, spam, and other forms of abuse. Unlike reCaptcha, the hCaptcha focuses on the image labeling side, which may increase privacy. To use hCaptcha with

  • Typekit Fonts Module Documentation

    πŸ“ Note: The Scroll To Top module is part of Neve Pro which you can get from here. If you would like to learn more about the Neve Pro Addon, take a look at Neve Pro Addon's full documentation. The

  • How to integrate Google Analytics with your WordPress website

    In this article, you will find out how to integrate Google Analytics with your WordPress website. using the Google Site Kit dedicated plugin Step 1: Install and Activate the Google Site Kit plugin.

  • How to Create a Custom Template in FSE Themes?

    πŸ“ Note: In this article, we have used the Fork FSE theme, but it works the same with all our FSE themes. A custom template can be applied to the desired posts or pages. In this article we will

  • Custom Sidebars Module Documentation

    πŸ“ Note: The White Label module is part of Neve Pro, which you can get from here. If you want to learn more about the Neve Pro Addon, look at Neve Pro Addon's full documentation. The Custom Sidebar

  • The Widget Area Component - Neve Header / Footer Builder

    πŸ“Note: This component is part of the Neve Header / Footer Builder. The Widget Area component can make your job easier, by displaying widgets with just a few clicks. 🧰Using the Component 1 Start by

  • What SEO Plugins are Compatible with MPG?

    The Multiple Pages Generator is a WordPress plugin for bulk creation of pages, resulting in a better SEO ranking on its own. You can even count on Spintax as a built-in SEO software to generate the

  • How to migrate a WordPress site from one server to another

    There are 2 scenarios that you can follow in order to migrate a website, using plugins: first - using the Duplicator plugin second - using UpdraftPlus plugin First Scenario - using the Duplicator

  • The Posts Block

    πŸ“ Note: These blocks are part of the Otter Blocks plugin, which you can get from here. πŸ“ Note: The blocks' appearance can be improved using the Otter features, such as Transform to Sticky,

  • Page Builder Widgets - Orbit Fox module

    πŸ“ Note: This module is part of the Orbit Fox plugin. For more information about the plugin, please check the main documentation. This is a very useful module if you are using the Elementor or Beaver

  • How to clear the Cache in WordPress

    If you arrived here then you are probably facing an issue related to this particular topic. It might be a webpage not rendering properly, or maybe a plugin/theme not functioning correctly. Whatever

  • How to Generate an OpenAI API key?

    Otter has introduced AI-based blocks that work with the OpenAI API key. This article helps you find and use the API key in the Otter Blocks. Generating the API key Integration with Otter Blocks

  • How to Remove Sidebar from Blog Pages in Zelle

    If you want to remove sidebars from your blog page then this guide is for you. We always recommend that you create a child theme for your theme before making changes to your website or reading this

  • How to hide Blog meta in Neve

    If you want to show or hide some information related to your posts you can find the controls in Customizer β†’ Layout β†’ Blog / Archive or Singe Post. The Meta Order controls take also effect on the