Easy Digital Downloads Booster Module Documentation

📝 Note: The Easy Digital Downloads module is part of Neve Pro which you can get from here. If you would like to learn more about the Neve Pro Addon, take a look at Neve Pro Addon's full documentation.

In this article, the following subjects will be presented:

🖲️ Activating the module

Install the Neve PRO and the Easy Digital Downloads plugin plugin, using these instructions.
Navigate to Neve > Dashboard > Settings > Manage Modules.
Enable the Easy Digital Downloads Booster module.

💻Using the module

To use the module, follow these steps:

On your website's Dashboard, navigate to Neve > Customize > Easy Digital Downloads > Download Catalog.

From here, you can adjust the layout with the following options:

  • The number of columns per row - this is a responsive control that allows a different number of downloads per row based on the device Desktop | Tablet | Mobil

  • Grid Spacing - it applies when at least two downloads per row are shown, and it sets the space between the downloads

Less space between downloads

More space between downloads

  • Buy Button Behavior - allows you to decide which page should be opened once the site visitor clicks on the Buy Now button. You can choose between the download page, which is equivalent to the single product layout, or the action of adding the item to the cart.

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