How to Generate Featured Image using OpenAI?

📝 Note: The Featured Image generation feature, now enhanced with custom prompts, is part of the Feed To Post import method in Feedzy RSS Feeds. This feature is available in the Developer and Agency plans.


Once you have your API key, navigate to Feedzy > Settings > OpenAI, and paste the key into the corresponding field. Make sure to validate the connection and save the settings.

🧰 Using the Feature

In the Import wizard, open the Map Content tab.
In the Featured Image field, click on the ➕ sign and select the Item Image tag.
Click on the settings icon next to the Item Image, and in the Actions modal, click on Add new.

Add New Action

From the dropdown, select the action called "Generate with OpenAI".
Use the toggle to specify if the image generation should occur for all posts or only where the image is missing.
In the Additional Prompt field, provide specific instructions for generating the image, such as style or details to match the post content. For example:
  • "Generate realistic images related to sports"
  • "Create a vibrant, artistic representations"
  • "Generate a comic-style illustrations"
Click on Save Actions.

📌 Action-Supporting Tags

  • [#item_image]

Note: The enhanced prompts allow users to generate more specific and visually engaging images aligned with the content's purpose.

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