The Widget Area Component - Neve Header / Footer Builder

For more details check out the full Neve documentation and Neve PRO documentation.

📝Note: This component is part of just Neve PRO.

The Widget Area component can make your job easier, by displaying widgets with just a few clicks.

🧰Using the Component

Start by adding the component into the rows, by clicking on the ➕ button and selecting the component.

Open the component's  settings to customize it, by clicking on the ⚙️icon.

📝 Note: There are three instances available for this component: Widget Area 1, Widget Area 2, Widget Area 3.

🔮Customizing the Component

There are two panels with customizing options for this component, which allow you to create the desired header / footer:


⚙️General Panel

When you click on the ⚙️ icon, the General tab will appear on the left side. From there you can add any widget from the library, by clicking on the ➕ button.

You will also find a " Search" section in the sidebar that will make it easier to find the exact widget desired.

After adding a widget, this one will  appear in the specific location ( in this case: on the second row of the Header Builder ):

 📐Layout Panel

The layout options allow the following adjustments:

  • Padding and Margin - available in PX, EM, REM, and %, with a link button that helps establish the same dimension for all the directions  ( Desktop | Tablet | Mobile ).

🗂Useful Resources

🎥 Video - how to create a PRO Custom Header

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