PPOM Pro Input Types

πŸ“ Note: These input types require the PPOM plugin's pro version, which you can get from here.

PPOM is an essential tool that can increase your online shop's popularity by adding various free and pro meta input fields.

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Timezone Input
File Input
Color Picker
Image Cropper
Audio / Video
Variation Quantity
Price Matrix
Chained Input
Date Range Input
Fixed Price
Image Dropdown
Quantity Option
Radio Switcher
Phone Input
Conditional Images
Fonts Picker
Select Option Quantity
Super List
Quantities Pack
Color Palettes
Measure Input
Text Counter
Variation Matrix
Bulk Quantity

Image Option Input

Image input is just like Radio/Checkbox, but images can be uploaded against each option. Price can also be set against each image option.

  • Title & Description
  • Required
  • Error Message
  • Select Image
    • Select image from Media Library
    • Title, Price, and URL to link image
  • Fixed Fee and Fixed Fee Taxable
    • This will add price to the cart (one time), not multiply with quantities. Used when need to charge your client one time regardless of quantities ordered.
  • Multiple Selection
    • More than one image can be selected
  • Selected Image
  • Enable Legacy View
    • Show old view if needed for old versions.

Timezone Input

Timezone input is a unique form of Select Input, but it has a predefined list of all Time-zones. Different Time-zones can also be filtered with options.

  • Title & Description
  • Required
  • Error Message
  • Timezone All
  • ASIA

File Upload

File Input allows clients to upload files from their computers or mobile devices. Admin can set any file type and size.

  • Title & Description
  • Required
  • Error Message
  • File Cost - Add a one-time cost to the cart
  • Fixed Fee
  • Button Label & Class
  • Files Allowed - Number of files allowed
  • File Types - jpg, png,zip, etc.
  • File Size (in MB)
  • Image Dimensions - Min/Max Height, Min/Max Width, error message

Image Cropper

Just like a File Upload but only supports images with a nice cropper using Croppie JS API.

  • Title & Description
  • Required
  • Error Message
  • Different Size
  • Prices for each Size
  • File Cost
    • Add one-time cost to cart
  • Fee Taxable
  • Button Label & Class
  • Files Allowed
    • Number of files allowed
  • Images Types
    • jpg,png,gif etc
  • File Size (in MB)

Audio Video Input

Audio/Video input allows clients to select Audio/Video options uploaded by Admin in the media library. It’s similar to Image type input but with a different media type. Price can also be set against each option.

  • Title & Description
  • Required
  • Error Message
  • Select Audio/Video
    • Select media from WP Library
    • Set price optionally
  • Multiple Selection

Variation Quantities ( Options Quantities )

πŸ“ Note: This PPOM input is available for the highest subscription (VIP) of the plugin, which you can get from here.

Variation Quantities allow clients to order different quantities against different options. For example, T-shirts may come in more sizes, such as S, M, and L. Using the Variation Quantities field. you allow the client to order multiple T-shirts of each size using Β± controls. You can also set prices for each size, and the order details will be shown. In cart, the customer will not be able to see the price per product anymore, only the number of items and the total price.

  • Title & Description
  • Required
  • Error Message
  • Add Options
    • Option name
    • Price
    • Min Qty.
    • Max Qty
  • Include Product Price?
    • This will also add product base prices along with options prices.
  • Horizontal Layout
    • It will show horizontally.

Price Matrix

Price Matrix allows admin to offer clients a smaller price on more quantities. More quantities will decrease the price set in the matrix. It can be used as a discount alternatively. Printing companies can benefit from such a meta field, as they will allow offers for bulk orders. If someone buys from 1 to 10 products, the price will be 30$ per unit, whereas if the buy 11 to 20 products, the price will be 20$ per unit. Such offers can be configured from the dashboard.

  • Title & Description
  • Required
  • Error Message
  • Apply as discount
    • It applies a discount instead apply a bulk discount. 
  • Discount On
    • Apply discount only for Base or Option+Base if other options are used.
  • Price Matrix
    • Option: 1-10 (for quantities)
    • Price 5 or 5%
  • Quantity step (increase quantity by given action)
  • Enable Quantity Slider
  • Show Price per Unit?
    • It calculates the price per unit and shows along the Total price.

Color Picker Input

Color Picker allows the client to select a color. Palette colors can also be defined in settings.

  • Title & Description
  • Required
  • Error Message
  • Default Color
  • Palettes
  • Palettes Width

Date Range Picker

Date Range Picker allows clients to select dates, times, or from predefined ranges.

  • Title & Description
  • Required
  • Error Message
  • Default Date
  • Show Timepicker
  • Timepicker increment
  • Timepicker 24 hours
  • Show Timepicker seconds
  • Open Style (Down/Up)
  • Show Week Numbers
  • Start Date (must be set)
  • End Date (must be set)
  • Min. Date
  • Max. Date
  • Disable past date
  • Disable Weekends


This is a special input that acts like a parent block, which means that in the meta field group settings, you should move it to the top of the list to make it a parent for the other ones.

  • Title
  • Collapse Type
  • Default Open

πŸ“ Note: Not all the inputs can be added here. Here is a list with the approved ones: Select, Text, Divider, Fonts, Domain, Chained, Quantities, Phone, Color, Emojis, Texter, Fixed Price, Image Select, Super List, Radio Switcher, Color Picker, Timezone, Price Matrix, Audio/Video, Radio Select, Number, Checkbox, Measure Input, Email, Text Counter, Image Dropdown.


This input allows you to define each meta field better and to create a more attractive design for your products.

  • Title
  • Data name
  • Select Style - there is a predefined list with 5 styles.
  • Style border
  • Divider Height
  • Font Size
  • Divider and Divider Text color
  • Conditions

Chained Input

  • Title & Description
  • First Option
  • Class
  • Error message
  • Selected Option
  • Width
  • Visibility
  • Show Tooltip
  • Fixed Fee
  • Required
  • Conditions
  • Add Options

πŸ“ Note: Check more details about configuring the chained input here.

Fonts Picker

  • Title & Description
  • First Option
  • Error message
  • Default Font
  • Width
  • Show Tooltip
  • Disable Font Select
  • Disable Default GoogleFonts
  • Required
  • Conditions
  • Fonts Family - insert a list of available fonts
  • Custom Fonts - add CSS


This input allows you to sell products that can contain emojis, text with emojis, etc.

  • Title & Description
  • Input Type
  • Placeholder and Search Placeholder
  • Search, Emojis Picker, and Filters Position
  • Tones Style
  • Error Message
  • Required
  • Enable Recent Emojis, Enable Tones
  • Conditions


When adding the Texter input, you have to select one of the texters previously created in this area, or otherwise, it won't work. 

  • Title & Description
  • Button title color
  • Texter meta
  • Model button label
  • Button Background Color
  • Font Family
  • Conditions

πŸ“ Note: Find out more about configuring the PPOM Texter in this doc.

Fixed Price

Some pricing options are too complex to be presented in a standard way, such as printing price packages, and the fixed price input is helpful in this regard.

  • Title & Description
  • Button title color
  • Texter meta
  • Model button label
  • Button Background Color
  • Font Family
  • Conditions

Image Dropdown

Some pricing options are too complex to be presented in a standard way, such as printing price packages, and the fixed price input is helpful in this regard.

  • Title & Description
  • Image Width
  • Background Color
  • First Option
  • Enable Gallery
  • Error message
  • Dropdown Height
  • Images Height
  • Images Position
  • Required
  • Images Height
  • Enable Image Replace
  • Add Images
  • Conditions

πŸ“ Note: Check more details about configuring the Image Dropdown input here.

Phone Input

The Phone Input can be very useful for marketing products, such as business cards, advertisement places.

  • Title & Description
  • Placeholder
  • Error Message
  • Enable Search
  • Enable Material
  • Required
  • Conditions

Quantity Option

The Quantity Option product might come in handy for extra services; for example, for any book bought, you receive a bookmark, but if you need more bookmarks, you can insert the quantity in the Quantity Option field.

  • Title & Description
  • Placeholder
  • Error Message
  • Max and min values
  • Steps
  • Set default value
  • Unit Price
  • Fixed Fee
  • Required
  • Conditions

Radio Switcher

The Radio Switcher input creates a more appealing view for the product page, and it allows different images for each option.

  • Title & Description
  • Selected Option ( default option )
  • Error Message
  • Visibility
  • Add Options - including images for each option
  • Settings - appearance settings
  • Required
  • Conditions

Domain Checker

πŸ“ Note: This PPOM input is available for the highest subscription (VIP) of the plugin, which you can get from here.

This input helps the customer to be in touch with the availability of the domain names inserted by him.

  • Title & Description
  • Placeholder
  • Available
  • Not Available
  • Button Label
  • Button Class
  • Required
  • Width
  • Conditions

Select Option Quantity

This input allows you to display a dropdown with options along with their quantities.

  • Title & Description
  • First Option
  • Option and Quantity Labels
  • Selected Option
  • Error Message
  • Button Class
  • Required
  • Conditions

Super List

The Super List input offer predefined dropdowns with the most common topics, such as languages, countries, currency symbol, etc.

  • Title & Description
  • Exclude Options
  • Select Superlist
  • Selected Option
  • Error Message
  • Required
  • Conditions

Quantities Pack

The Quantities Pack input helps you to create a multiple choose product page, so that the user can insert and buy different quantities of the product's types from the same page.

  • Title & Description
  • Default Price
  • Pack Size
  • Pack Size Message
  • Add Options
  • Conditions

Color Palettes Input

Display the variations of the products using the Color Palettes.

  • Title & Description
  • Required
  • Error Message
  • Add Colors
    • Set color cods (e.g: #ffcccc)
    • Price also can be in %
  • Fixed Fee and Fixed Fee Taxable
    • This will add price to the cart (one time), not multiply with quantities. Used when need to charge your client one time regardless of quantities ordered.
  • Multiple Selection
    • More than one image can be selected.
  • Selected Color
  • Color Width
    • It uses to render color palette box width.
  • Color Height
    • It uses to render color palette box height.
  • Show as Circle?
    • Make a nice circle like in the screenshot below.
  • Conditions

πŸ“ Note: Inside the Add Options tab, you can add name of the colors ( e.g. Red, Yellow ) or HTML code ( e.g. last color's code is #A9DFBF).

Measure Input

Depending on the products that you provide, some of them could require some measurement specifications, and this can be done using Measure Input.

  • Title & Description
  • Error message
  • Set default value
  • Min and Max values
  • Steps
  • Add-on Price
  • Conditions

Text Counter

This input is a special text input that can restrict the total number of words or characters.

  • Title & Description
  • Error message
  • Count Tyoe - characters / words
  • Textarea Row
  • Max. Character / Word
  • Character / Word Price
  • Counter text Color
  • Counter Background Color
  • Include Space
  • Required
  • Conditions

Variation Matrix

This input is an advanced form of the Variation Quantity Field, that allows you to collect different quantities against multiple options.

  • Title & Description
  • Label
  • Default Price
  • Min / Max Quantity
  • Enhance -/+ controls
  • Priced Options
  • Simple Options
  • Conditions

Conditional Images

This input allows you to display different info based on the chosen images.

  • Title & Description
  • Selected Option Frame Color
  • Error Message
  • Add Images
  • Conditions

πŸ“ Note: Check more details about configuring the chained input here.

Bulk Quantity

Bulk Quantity allows the store admin to set discount prices for each option. This Addon is the best tool for companies like Printing and designing and looking to sell products with options with different prices.

  • Title & Description
  • Quantity Label
  • Total Price Label
  • Hide Base Price
  • Data name
  • Fixed Prices
  • Base Price Label
  • Fixed Price Label
  • Show price range
  • Add Options Tab - here, you can insert the Quantity Range to display a base price or insert variations ( such as S, M, and L sizes) with a specific price for each.
  • Conditions

πŸ“ Note: Check the live behavior of the Bulk Quantity input here.

HTML Content

It’s not input, just to add some content/text or HTML.

  • Content

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