How to use Feedzy with a shortcode
Feedzy can be used with a shortcode. The advantage of this approach is that it can be used with any WordPress theme or page builder. We recommend adding it in a shortcode block/widget if the theme/page builder you are using has such an option.
How to use it |
What it looks like |
List of the available parameters |
🎥 Video - Getting Started with Feedzy |
🧰 How to use it
- 1
To use Feedzy in a shortcode, you need to insert the shortcode block.
📝 Note: In this example, we have used the Gutenberg editor, but it's the same for other page builders.
- 2
Get the feed URL that you want to display and paste it into the shortcode form.
🔍 What it looks like
Example 1 - Basic shortcode
[feedzy-rss feeds=""]
No other parameters are specified besides the source.
Example 1
Example 2 - feeds number, title, and author
[feedzy-rss feeds="" max="2" feed_title="yes" meta="author"]
Additional parameters:
- the number of feeds, maximum 2
- display the feed title
- display just the author in the metadata
Example 2
Example 3 - feeds number, title, author, date, layout, and template
[feedzy-rss feeds="" max="6" feed_title="yes" meta="author, date" columns="3" template="style2"]
Additional parameters:
- the number of feeds, maximum 6
- display the feed title
- display the author & date
- display the feeds in a 3 columns layout [PRO version required]
- use the third template [PRO version required]
Example 3
Example 4 - multiple meta
Showing the source of each feed item (in this case, Feedly and Themeisle) when using multiple feeds.
[feedzy-rss feeds="," max="30" multiple_meta="yes"]
Example 4
🗂 List of the available parameters
Feed Source
Number of items to display | |
max | any number between 1 and 30 |
Should we display the RSS title? | |
feed_title | yes | no |
For how long we will cache the feed results | |
refresh | 1_hours | 3_hours | 12_hours | 1_days | 3_days | 15_days |
Sorting order | |
sort | default date_desc (Date Descending) date_asc (Date Ascending) title_desc (Title Descending) title_asc (Title Ascending) |
Display source of feed ( when using multiple feeds ) | |
multiple_meta | yes | no |
Message to show when feed is empty | |
error_empty | e.g. THE FEED IS EMPTY! |
Skin the first N items in the feed | |
offset | e.g. do not display the first 5 items within the source |
Item Options
Links may be opened in the same window or a new tab | |
target | auto _blank _self _parent _top framename |
Make this link a "nofollow" link? | |
follow | yes | no |
Trim the title of the item after X characters. A value of 0 will remove the title | |
title | e.g. 150 |
Should we display additional meta fields out of author, date and time? (comma-separated list). View documentation here. | |
meta | e.g. author , date , time , tz=local, no |
Should we display a description (abstract) of the retrieved item? | |
summary | yes | no |
Crop description (summary) of the element after X characters. | |
summarylength | 160 |
Only display item if the title or author or description contains specific keyword(s) (comma-separated list/case insensitive). Logical operators between the words are also allowed, comma(,) for OR, and plus(+) for AND | |
keywords_title [ PRO version] | e.g. dragonball, dark+night -> "Dragonball" or "Dark Knight" |
keywords_inc_on [ PRO version] | title | author | description |
Exclude items if the title or author or description contains specific keyword(s) (comma-separated list/case insensitive). Logical operators between the words are also allowed, comma(,) for OR, and plus(+) for AND | |
keywords_ban [ PRO version] | e.g. dragonball, dark+night -> "Dragonball" or "Dark Knight" |
keywords_exc_on [ PRO version] | title | author | description |
Item Image Options
Should we display the first image of the content if it is available? | |
thumb | yes | no | auto |
Default thumbnail URL if no image is found | |
default | e.g. |
Thumbnails dimension. Do not include "px". Eg: 150 | |
size | e.g. 150 |
How should we treat HTTP images? | |
http | force ( Force HTTPS -- please verify that the image exist on HTTPS) default ( ignore and show the default image instead ) |
Other options
Lazy load feed items? |
lazy | yes | no |
Should we display the price from the feed if it is available? | |
price [ PRO version] | yes | no |
Referral URL parameters as per this document here | |
referral_url [ PRO version] | promo_code=feedzy_is_awesome |
How many columns we should use to display the feed items | |
columns [ PRO version] | e.g. 1 |
Provide mapping for custom feed elements as per this document here. This will only work for single feeds, not comma-separated feeds. | |
mapping [ PRO version] | See the document above |
Template to use when displaying the feed. |
template [ PRO version] | default | style1 | style2 |