How to use Feedzy with a shortcode

Feedzy can be used with a shortcode. The advantage of this approach is that it can be used with any WordPress theme or page builder. We recommend adding it in a shortcode block/widget if the theme/page builder you are using has such an option.

🧰 How to use it


To use Feedzy in a shortcode, you need to insert the shortcode block.

📝 Note: In this example, we have used the Gutenberg editor, but it's the same for other page builders.


Get the feed URL that you want to display and paste it into the shortcode form.

🔍 What it looks like

Example 1 - Basic shortcode

[feedzy-rss feeds=""]

No other parameters are specified besides the source.

Example 1

Example 2 - feeds number, title, and author

[feedzy-rss feeds="" max="2" feed_title="yes" meta="author"]

Additional parameters:

  • the number of feeds, maximum 2
  • display the feed title
  • display just the author in the metadata

Example 2

Example 3 - feeds number, title, author, date, layout, and template

[feedzy-rss feeds="" max="6" feed_title="yes" meta="author, date" columns="3" template="style2"]

Additional parameters:

  • the number of feeds, maximum 6
  • display the feed title
  • display the author & date
  • display the feeds in a 3 columns layout [PRO version required]
  • use the third template [PRO version required]

Example 3

Example 4 - multiple meta

Showing the  source of each feed item (in this case, Feedly and Themeisle) when using multiple feeds.

[feedzy-rss feeds="," max="30" multiple_meta="yes"]

Example 4

🗂 List of the available parameters

Feed Source

Number of items to display
max any number between 1 and 30
Should we display the RSS title?
feed_title yes | no
For how long we will cache the feed results
refresh 1_hours | 3_hours | 12_hours | 1_days | 3_days | 15_days
Sorting order
sort default
date_desc (Date Descending)
date_asc (Date Ascending)
title_desc (Title Descending)
title_asc (Title Ascending)
Display source of feed ( when using multiple feeds )
multiple_meta yes | no
Message to show when feed is empty
error_empty e.g. THE FEED IS EMPTY!
Skin the first N items in the feed
offset e.g. do not display the first 5 items within the source

Item Options

Links may be opened in the same window or a new tab
target auto
Make this link a "nofollow" link?
follow yes | no
Trim the title of the item after X characters. A value of 0 will remove the title
title e.g. 150
Should we display additional meta fields out of author, date and time? (comma-separated list). View documentation here.
meta e.g. author , date , time , tz=local, no
Should we display a description (abstract) of the retrieved item?
summary yes | no
Crop description (summary) of the element after X characters.
summarylength 160
Only display item if the title or author or description contains specific keyword(s) (comma-separated list/case insensitive). Logical operators between the words are also allowed, comma(,) for OR, and plus(+) for AND
keywords_title [ PRO version] e.g.  dragonball, dark+night -> "Dragonball" or "Dark Knight"
keywords_inc_on [ PRO version] title | author | description
Exclude items if the title or author or description contains specific keyword(s) (comma-separated list/case insensitive). Logical operators between the words are also allowed, comma(,) for OR, and plus(+) for AND
keywords_ban [ PRO version] e.g.  dragonball, dark+night -> "Dragonball" or "Dark Knight"
keywords_exc_on [ PRO version] title | author | description

Item Image Options

Should we display the first image of the content if it is available?
thumb yes | no | auto
Default thumbnail URL if no image is found
default e.g.
Thumbnails dimension. Do not include "px". Eg: 150
size e.g. 150
How should we treat HTTP images?
http force ( Force HTTPS -- please verify that the image exist on HTTPS)
default ( ignore and show the default image instead )

Other options

Lazy load feed items?
lazy yes | no
Should we display the price from the feed if it is available?
price [ PRO version] yes | no
Referral URL parameters as per this document here
referral_url [ PRO version] promo_code=feedzy_is_awesome
How many columns we should use to display the feed items
columns [ PRO version] e.g. 1
Provide mapping for custom feed elements as per this document here. This will only work for single feeds, not comma-separated feeds.
mapping [ PRO version] See the document above
Template to use when displaying the feed.

template [ PRO version] default | style1 | style2

🎥 Video - Getting Started with Feedzy

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