Search results for Feedzy RSS Feeds

77 articles found

  • What actions and filters are available in Feedzy

    WordPress plugins can be very customizable, and in this tutorial, we will show you how to change certain features like adding a read more link or displaying items in random order. Available Actions:

  • How to remove plugin css

    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'tifd_remove_default_stylesheet',999 ); function tifd_remove_default_stylesheet() { wp_dequeue_style('feedzy-rss-feeds'); }

  • How to remove time from publication date

    Change publication date format from January 3, 2017 at 12:39 pm to January 3, 2017 using this code add_filter( 'feedzy_meta_output', 'tifd_fix_meta_output' ); function tifd_fix_meta_output( $content

  • How to handle publication date and author content

    By default, the line of meta (name of the author and publication date) are displayed through a list of arguments: $metaArgs = array( 'author' => true, 'date' => true, 'date_format' => get_option(

  • How to change the blacklist image name

    There are some common images such as emojis and emoticons that are filtered out of the feed. If you want to exclude any other image from the feed shortcode output then you can use the following code

  • Feedzy RSS Feeds Documentation

    Feedzy is an RSS aggregator that helps you curate content, auto blog, display, and import RSS feeds within a few minutes. πŸ“ Note: Exciting news! We do offer a demo for Feedzy, allowing you to

  • Elementor Compatibility in Feedzy RSS Feeds

    Feedzy RSS Feeds is a very useful tool when it comes to spreading content and its compatibility with page builders, in this case, Elementor, has been improved by adding: πŸ”› feed items fields

  • Fallback Image in Feedzy RSS Feeds

    πŸ“Note: This feature is part of the Feed to Post import method. which is a premium feature. Learn more about importing items as posts from this doc. When the original feed posts lack a featured

  • What is the difference between Feedzy RSS Feeds Free and PRO?

    Which product version suits you better, free or PRO? Jump to: Import Options Integration with SpinnerChief & WordAI Display feeds Support Built-in services Tag Actions πŸ“₯ Import Options Using this

  • How to find an RSS Feed URL to use with Feedzy RSS Feeds

    πŸ”— What is an RSS feed URL? An RSS Feed is actually a .xml file that contains all the valuable information about the content of a website. This information can then be used to extract the information

  • How to add affiliate referrals to feed URLs in Feedzy

    πŸ“ Note: This is an option of Feedzy RSS Feeds Premium, which is composed of the Feedzy RSS Feeds Lite plugin and Feedzy RSS Feeds Premium plugin. Both of them need to be installed and active. Using

  • Lazy loading feed items with Feedzy

    Feedzy offers a lazy loading option that can be used to display the feed content only after the entire content is fully loaded ( and cache the content, improving the performance of the page ). Until

  • How to use WordAI or SpinnerChief to Rephrase RSS content in Feedzy

    Prerequisites: To use the SpinnerChief or WordAi integration, you must have the Agency Plan of Feedzy RSS plugin. You need to have a valid WordAI or SpinnerChief subscription. Feedzy RSS Feeds does

  • How to change the caching time interval in Feedzy widget

    πŸ“ Note: This guide covers changing the caching time interval for the widget available in the Feedzy RSS Feeds plugin. For more information about the plugin, please check the main documentation. The

  • How to install and activate Feedzy Pro

    Thank you for choosing Feedzy RSS Feeds Premium. To get started with it, you need to install the free and the premium version of the plugin. 1 Install the free version of the Feedzy directly from

  • Feedzy custom templates

    This is an extension of the shortcode approach available in Feedzy RSS Feeds plugin. In addition to the templates available in the premium version of the plugin - examples here, more templates can be

  • How to add canonical tags for imported posts in Feedzy?

    πŸ“ Note: This is a Premium Feature. If you purchased Feedzy RSS Feeds Premium, then you need to have both Feedzy RSS Feeds Lite & Pro activated to take advantage of the plugin's pro features. You can

  • How to remove links from Thumbnails and Titles in Feedzy

    This guide will teach you how to remove the links from the feed item's thumbnail and title, without removing these actual elements. At this moment, Feedzy RSS Feeds can display feeds from a feed URL

  • How to display Amazon Products using Feedzy?

    πŸ“ Note: This feature is part of the premium version of Feedzy RSS Feeds, which you can get from here. To display Amazon Products as feed, just follow the steps below: 1 Navigate to Feedzy >

  • How to Summarize Content using ChatGPT in Feed to Post?

    πŸ“ Note: The Summarize with ChatGPT feature is part of the Feed To Post import method in Feedzy RSS Feeds, starting with the Developer plan. Requirements: OpenAI API key - go on the OpenAI API keys

  • How to generate featured images using ChatGPT in Feed to Post

    πŸ“ Note: The image generation with ChatGPT feature is part of the Feed To Post import method in Feedzy RSS Feeds, and it is part of the Developer plan. Requirements: OpenAI API key - go on the OpenAI

  • How to Import Full Content with Images?

    πŸ“ Note: This feature is part of the premium version of Feedzy RSS Feeds, which you can get from here. Some feeds use lazy-loading image placeholders, which is why, when using the #item_full_content

  • How can I get support for free products

    To say it bluntly, we can't afford to offer human-based support for our free products; if you have a custom question as a user of our free products, you'll need to subscribe to one of our plans.

  • How to Trim Content in Feed to Post?

    πŸ“ Note: The Trim Content feature is part of the Feed To Post import method in Feedzy RSS Feeds. Using the feature Use Cases Action-Supporting Tags 🧰 Using the feature 1 In the Import wizard, open

  • Check our latest plugins

    Thank you for using ThemeIsle plugins! In case you are looking for one of the following plugins, please note that these are retired, and there aren't further updates scheduled for them: ❌ WP Product

  • How to Generate Featured Image using ChatGPT?

    πŸ“ Note: The Featured image generated with the ChatGPT feature is part of the Feed To Post import method in Feedzy RSS Feeds, and it is part of the Developer and Agency plans. Using the feature

  • How to Replace Content in Feed to Post?

    πŸ“ Note: The Search and Replace feature is part of the Feed To Post import method in Feedzy RSS Feeds. Using the feature Use Cases Action-Supporting Tags 🧰 Using the feature 1 In the Import wizard,

  • What to do after I purchase a product from ThemeIsle?

    Firstly, congrats on your decision and welcome to our community. We really appreciate it. Now that you have purchased a product from us, here are the next steps. Get the product file and the license

  • Feedzy Troubleshooting Guide

    This guide covers the basic checks that we perform when the Feedzy plugin doesn't work as expected. In case you want more information about the Feedzy RSS Feeds plugin, please refer to the main

  • How to Paraphrase using ChatGPT in Feed to Post?

    πŸ“ Note: The Paraphrase with ChatGPT feature is part of the Feed To Post import method in Feedzy RSS Feeds, and it is part of the Developer and Agency plans. Using the feature Use Cases

  • How to import embedded audios to posts?

    Feedzy RSS Feeds offers the possibility of importing embedded audio to posts so that you can easily introduce music, podcasts, or any audio file to your posts. πŸ“ Note: If you need more details about

  • Lazy Loading vs Eager Loading

    🐌 Lazy Loading Lazy loading is a feature that enhances the speed and performance of your website by loading only the necessary page elements and preserving unnecessary resources if the user doesn't

  • How to use Feed to Post feature in Feedzy

    πŸ“Note: The Feed to Post feature is available in the free version of Feedzy RSS Feeds, but you can enhance its functionalities with the Pro version, which you can get from here. For more details

  • How to Set New Schedule for Import Cron Jobs in Feedzy?

    πŸ“ Note: This feature is available only in the premium version of Feedzy, which you can get from here. WordPress's first cron execution time depends on setting up the scheduled tasks. This means that

  • How to set up a real cron job in WordPress?

    WordPress real cron job refers to a method of scheduling and executing tasks, such as updating plugins, sending email notifications, or performing other automated actions, within a WordPress website.

  • How to use Feedzy with a shortcode

    Feedzy can be used with a shortcode. The advantage of this approach is that it can be used with any WordPress theme or page builder. We recommend adding it in a shortcode block/widget if the

  • How to keep HTML in feed items content?

    πŸ“ Note: This solution provided in this article is for the Feedzy widget, not for the imported posts feature. Some feeds have HTML tags for the content or other elements. If you want to keep them,

  • How to display author, date, time (or a mix of them) from the feed

    You can choose to show either of or multiple of the following meta data from the feed - author, date or time. You can directly use the shortcode, use the shortcode pop-up editor in the classic

  • How to display thumbnail image from the feeds

    If you want to display thumbnail items for your feeds, here's how to do it: Using Classic Editor (for WordPress users who are in version 4.9 and below. And for those using the Classic Editor view).

  • How to move Feedzy templates to your theme

    You may want to move the templates that come with Feedzy to your theme in order to preserve the changes over upgrades. In order to do this, you need to follow the next steps: 1 Inside your theme

  • How do I extract values from custom tags in Feedzy?

    πŸ“Note: This Premium feature is available only with the Developer and Agency plans. If you've already purchased one of the two plans, you need to have both the Lite & Pro versions of the plugin

  • In Feedzy how do I...

    Here are some of the hooks you can use with the Feedzy plugin. Note that some of these customizations may require you to have the premium version of the plugin. To see the list of hooks and filters

  • How to change cache lifetime for a specific feed

    This guide's purpose is to help you change the cache lifetime for a specific feed using Feedzy's built in features. The cache lifetime of a feed refers to how often your feed should update its

  • How to get videos from YouTube with Feedzy

    πŸ“Note: Displaying YouTube videos in imported posts is available only in the Pro version of the plugin, which you can get from here. If you're interested in displaying YouTube feeds in the free

  • How to change the date format RSS items in Feedzy

    By default, RSS items displayed using the Feedzy shortcode or the Feedzy block use the Month D, Y date format, which can be easily changed using the new feedzy_meta_date filter. To change the date

  • How to check whether the RSS feed is valid or not in Feedzy

    To display RSS feeds on your site, you need to make sure whether the feed is valid. There are several ways to check whether a feed is valid or not but these two are the easiest ones: 1 Open the feed

  • How to display RSS feed time and date in local time

    You can use the following code snippet to display feed time and date in the local time: add_filter( 'feedzy_feed_timestamp', 'tifd_change_timestamp', 10, 2 ); /** * Change feed timestamp according to

  • Use feed source links for post imported with Feedzy RSS

    Besides easily inserting content from any feed on your page, Feedzy RSS offers the option to import that content in the form of posts on your WordPress site. You can read more about how to do that

  • How to use proxy settings in Feedzy

    Many RSS feeds are only accessible through the proxy settings. If you want to fetch the feeds which need some proxy settings, you can enter the proxy settings and display the feeds to your audience.

  • How to Display Source Name and Link of the Feed in Feedzy?

    πŸ“ Note: This article is suitable when displaying feeds as posts. For more details about this method, check this dedicated doc. Giving credit to the original source can be done in multiple ways,