How to use WordAI or SpinnerChief to Rephrase RSS content in Feedzy


  • To use the SpinnerChief or WordAi integration, you must have the Agency Plan of Feedzy RSS plugin.
  • You need to have a valid WordAI or SpinnerChief subscription. Feedzy RSS Feeds does not include any subscription for either WordAI or SpinnerChief.

The Import posts option in Feedzy is used to convert Feed Items into posts. For more details about this feature, please check the dedicated documentation.

Feedzy RSS Feeds plugin can be used to import another website's content (RSS feed) to your WordPress website. Now, you may want to paraphrase the content after importing. 

WordAi and SpinnerChief can be used to rephrase RSS feeds when they are imported as posts in WordPress. In this guide, we will provide steps on how to achieve it. 

WordAi Integration

The first step is to add your WordAi account in Dashboard > Feedzy > Settings, WordAi tab.

The email address and API key of your WordAi account are required here.

Once your account is linked, all you need to do is to use the appropriate magic tags in the import wizard, for example below. The available tags are as follows:

  • Action-Supporting Content Tags: [#item_full_content], [#item_content], [#item_description], [#item_title]

SpinnerChief Integration

The first step is to add your SpinnerChief account in Dashboard > Feedzy > Settings, SpinnerChief tab.

The username, password, and API key of your SpinnerChief account are required here.

Once your account is linked, all you need to do is to use the appropriate magic tags in the import wizard, for example below. The available tags are as follows:

  • Action-Supporting Content Tags: [#item_full_content], [#item_content], [#item_description], [#item_title]

📝 Note: The Agency plan of Feedzy RSS Feeds has built-in rephrasing and translating services that you can easily use.

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