What to do after I purchase a product from ThemeIsle?

Firstly, congrats on your decision and welcome to our community. We really appreciate it.

Now that you have purchased a product from us, here are the next steps.

  1. Get the product file and the license key from your ThemeIsle account
  2. Install it
  3. Activate the license key
  4. Check the product documentation

Check your email inbox

The email address you entered while making the purchase, you'll get a Welcome Email and your Login Credentials from our side.

If you have not received any mail, kindly check this guide:  Can't find login details.

Now, go to Purchase History page, and log in using the credentials given in the email.

After you have logged into your account, you'll see the items you have purchased, and the licenses along with them. 


Install the product

For Hestia Pro, please check the following guide - How to activate Hestia Pro.

For Neve Pro, please check the following guide - How to active Neve Pro.


Activate the license key


Check the product documentation

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