How to display author, date, time (or a mix of them) from the feed

You can choose to show either of or multiple of the following meta data from the feed - author, date or time. You can directly use the shortcode, use the shortcode pop-up editor in the classic editor, or use the gutenberg editor.

Show only author

[feedzy-rss meta='author'...]

This is how it will look:

Similarly, you can provide date or time to show only the date or the time. The date and time formats will be the ones you have specified under General Settings

Show multiple fields

[feedzy-rss meta='author, time'...]

This is how it will look:

Converting dates and times

By default, the date and time from the feed is converted and show in GMT/UTC. If you want to change that, you can!

Show date in the same timezone as the blog

[feedzy-rss meta='author, time, tz=local'...]

This is how it will look:

Show date as-is from the feed without converting the timezone

[feedzy-rss meta='author, time, tz=source'...]

This is how it will look:

Show multiple sources

Add the following parameter to the shortcode



[feedzy-rss feeds="," max="8" feed_title="yes" multiple_meta="source"]

How it looks like

Disable meta fields

If you want to remove the meta fields entirely, all you have to do is put 'no' on the field, all meta fields will be hidden from your posts.

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