Search results for Otter Blocks Demo

194 articles found

  • How to add affiliate referrals to feed URLs in Feedzy

    πŸ“ Note: This is an option of Feedzy RSS Feeds Premium, which is composed of the Feedzy RSS Feeds Lite plugin and Feedzy RSS Feeds Premium plugin. Both of them need to be installed and active. Using

  • How to enable Hestia mobile menu on larger screens

    The mobile menu in Hestia appears on screens lower than 769px. Hestia Desktop Menu Hestia Mobile Menu Showing it on larger screens is possible by adding the following code to the Additional CSS

  • How to use Lazy Load feature in Visualizer

    The lazy load feature works for charts that use the Google Charts library. To use this feature you need to add the lazy=yes or lazy=<number> parameter to the shortcode. For example: [visualizer

  • How to create the Hestia contact form in WPForms

    WPForms is a great plugin that allows you to easily create any contact form you want. It comes with pre-built form templates that can be easily customized, so you don’t ever have to start from

  • How can I create a chart?

    A chart can be created from the post editor and the charts library. The process of chart creation from both places is similar. πŸ“ Note: Before creating the chart, please note that by default, the

  • How to add an image to post?

    After you have created a post, it's time to make it more appealing to your website's visitors by adding pictures. When creating a post, there are two ways for adding an image: Adding a featured image

  • How to change the category color on Hestia blog page

    In order to change the color of the categories displayed on the blog page, firstly you have to login to your WordPress dashboard which is also known as the WP-admin. Look towards the left of your

  • Lazy loading feed items with Feedzy

    Feedzy offers a lazy loading option that can be used to display the feed content only after the entire content is fully loaded ( and cache the content, improving the performance of the page ). Until

  • How to remove the underline from links in Neve

    By default, in Neve, all the links have text-decoration underline to be compliant with the Accessibility Standards. βͺ Before ⏩ After If you want to remove the underline, just add the following code

  • How to remove links from Thumbnails and Titles in Feedzy

    This guide will teach you how to remove the links from the feed item's thumbnail and title, without removing these actual elements. At this moment, Feedzy RSS Feeds can display feeds from a feed URL

  • How to align submenu items to the left side in Neve

    βͺ Before By default, in Neve, the submenu items of the Primary menu are centrally aligned. ⏩ After To change the alignment to the left side, all you'd need to do is add this CSS code in Appearance >

  • How to show testimonial client image on mobile device in Zelle

    Important notice: This product is now in maintenance mode and is no longer being actively developed or supported. Updates and bug fixes will not be provided unless they relate to security concerns.

  • How to change the product category color in Hestia

    In order to change the color of the product category name displayed on the home page in the shop section, you need to add the following custom CSS to Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS

  • How to display Team description on mobile in Hestia

    πŸ“ Appearance > Customize > Frontpage Sections > Team βͺ Before displaying team description By default, Hestia removes the description of Team members from small screens, to match the design. ⏩ After

  • How to change cache lifetime for a specific feed

    This guide's purpose is to help you change the cache lifetime for a specific feed using Feedzy's built in features. The cache lifetime of a feed refers to how often your feed should update its

  • How to disable hamburger menu on mobile Zelle

    Important notice: This product is now in maintenance mode and is no longer being actively developed or supported. Updates and bug fixes will not be provided unless they relate to security concerns.

  • How to Randomize Content Using Spintax and Nested Spintax in MPG?

    πŸ“ Note: This feature is available in both MPG Free as well as MPG Premium. You can benefit from this feature as well as many more with MPG PRO which you can get from here. In this article the

  • How to translate Visualizer Graphs?

    The Visualizer: Charts and Graphs becomes more accessible, by allowing you to manually create translations, through a dedicated plugin. In this documentation, we have presented how to translate

  • Neve Header Transparent (PRO)

    πŸ“ Note: Header transparent is part of Neve Pro's Header Booster module. The Transparent Header option allows you to create beautiful-looking headers easily. Enabling the transparent header option

  • How to change the date format RSS items in Feedzy

    By default, RSS items displayed using the Feedzy shortcode or the Feedzy block use the Month D, Y date format, which can be easily changed using the new feedzy_meta_date filter. To change the date

  • LearnDash Integration in Neve

    LearnDash is one of the most widely used WordPress LMS (learning management systems). This is why we've made sure Neve offers seamless integration with the popular plugin and made it easy for you to

  • How do I add images to my MPG generated pages?

    πŸ“ Note: This feature is part of the MPG plugin, which you can get from here. If you want to learn more about it, check out our dedicated doc. Adding images to your MPG-generated pages is quick and

  • How to get videos from YouTube with Feedzy

    πŸ“Note: Displaying YouTube videos in imported posts is available only in the Pro version of the plugin, which you can get from here. If you're interested in displaying YouTube feeds in the free

  • Add a button to About Us Section in Zelle

    Important notice: This product is now in maintenance mode and is no longer being actively developed or supported. Updates and bug fixes will not be provided unless they relate to security concerns.

  • WP-CLI Commands in Neve

    The neve CLI support provides an interface for performing theme-related operations, such as activating the theme, the license key, it modules from the command line. First, make sure CLI is installed

  • Feed Categories in Feedzy

    Feedzy comes with a useful option of grouping multiple feed sources of similar topics into a single category that can be further used as a feed source. In this submenu of the Feedzy RSS Agreggator

  • Templates in Neve's Custom Layouts

    πŸ“ Note: This is part of the Custom Layouts Module, which is available for the Neve Pro plans. 404 Page Single Post Single Page Search Archive πŸŽ₯ Video - How to Create Custom Layouts From Neve

  • How to use Neve Patterns in Custom Layouts?

    πŸ“ Note: This feature is part of the PRO version of Neve, which you can get from here. While editing a custom layout, you will get access to the Neve Patterns collection. There are multiple templates

  • How to display thumbnail image from the feeds

    If you want to display thumbnail items for your feeds, here's how to do it: Using Classic Editor (for WordPress users who are in version 4.9 and below. And for those using the Classic Editor view).

  • How to integrate SendinBlue WordPress plugin to your website?

    πŸ”What is Sendinblue and Sendinblue WordPress plugin? Sendinblue is a service come tool that helps you run, measure, and automate your marketing campaigns and audience management, enabling you to

  • Global Colors in Neve

    Colors play an extremely significant role in website design. It can influence your public's attention and interest, and if a customer doesn't like the look of your site, it is very possible that they

  • Hyve Documentation

    Hyve is an AI-powered chatbot that transforms your WordPress content into engaging conversations. It uses the content from your WordPress site as a knowledge base to intelligently respond to user

  • How to configure MPG Advanced and Search settings?

    πŸ“ Note: This feature is part of the MPG plugin, which you can get from here. If you want to learn more about it, check out our dedicated doc. Advanced Settings Update tables structure - allows you

  • How to use Feedzy with a shortcode

    Feedzy can be used with a shortcode. The advantage of this approach is that it can be used with any WordPress theme or page builder. We recommend adding it in a shortcode block/widget if the

  • How to using Co-Authors plugin with Zelle

    Important notice: This product is now in maintenance mode and is no longer being actively developed or supported. Updates and bug fixes will not be provided unless they relate to security concerns.

  • Neve Typography

    In this guide, you will find information on Neve's font mechanics, including the process of modifying font types, selecting font families, adjusting font sizes, and exploring additional typography

  • How do I extract values from custom tags in Feedzy?

    πŸ“Note: This Premium feature is available only with the Developer and Agency plans. If you've already purchased one of the two plans, you need to have both the Lite & Pro versions of the plugin

  • The Multi-Announcement Bars Module - Sparks

    πŸ“ Note: The Multi-Announcement Bars module is part of the Sparks plugin, which you can get from here. The multi-announcement bars are very useful for the offers that appear from time to time,

  • Content Switcher Widget

    πŸ“ Note: The Content Switcher widget is part of Neve PRO's Elementor Booster module. The Content Switcher is ideal for the pricing tables because this will display the details of each of the selected

  • Flip Card Widget

    πŸ“ Note: The Flip Card widget is part of Neve PRO's Elementor Booster module. The Flip Card widget consists of a card with two sides (Front Side and Back Side) between which the user can flip when

  • How to use different menus on pages using the Custom Layouts

    This article will present step by step how to create different menus on pages, using Custom Layouts. πŸ“ Note: Here is a dedicated doc about the Custom Layouts Module. 🧰Tools needed the Neve theme -

  • What is the Difference between MPG Free and MPG PRO?

    The Multiple Pages Generator plugin is one of the most valuable tools for boosting your website's visits through SEO implications. MPG free and PREMIUM offer many features, but the main difference

  • How to translate FSE themes using WPML?

    πŸ“ Note: Please note that in order to translate FSE themes using the following steps, you need first to install the WPML plugin. Configuring WPML Translation Management Translate FSE Templates

  • How to translate Hestia theme using TranslatePress?

    In this tutorial, we show you – step by step – how to install Hestia correctly, how to set it up with TranslatePress, and how to translate every element of your Hestia-built website for smooth