Feed Categories in Feedzy

Feedzy comes with a useful option of grouping multiple feed sources of similar topics into a single category that can be further used as a feed source. In this  submenu of the Feedzy RSS Agreggator plugin, you can add categories of the feeds.

⚙️ Creating Feed Categories

Navigate to Dashboard > Feedzy > Feed Categories.
Click on the Add Category button.
Enter a category  title.
Paste the URLs of the feeds you want to display in this category. You can add multiple sources here, comma separated.
Click on Publish and check the library to see the changes.

An advantage of this feature is that you can check if the feeds are  valid from the Actions column. Click on the blue button and see the result.

🧰 Feed Categories Usage

After publishing the feed category, you can use that as a feed source in the Feedzy block, WordPress widget, Elementor widget, or shortcode, just like you did before, except that you'll be using the newly created category  slug instead of the feed URL.

Feed Categories Slug

Feed Categories in the Import Wizard

Feed Categories in Gutenberg Editor

Feed Categories in WordPress Widget

Feed Categories in Elementor Widget

🗂 Feed Categories Limit

By default, there will be displayed the latest 100 feed categories.  If you want to raise the limit, use this code snippet and paste it into the plugin file:

function fz_increase_category_limit( $wp_query ) {
	global $pagenow;
	if ( ! is_admin() || 'post-new.php' !== $pagenow ) {
	$post_type = $wp_query->get( 'post_type' );
	if ( 'feedzy_categories' === $post_type ) {
		$wp_query->set( 'posts_per_page', 999 );
add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'fz_increase_category_limit' );
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