Add a button to About Us Section in Zelle

We advise  using a child theme or else your changes will be lost after the theme is updated. Copy the about_us.php from the parent theme's sections folder into the child theme's sections folder.

After you've copied the about_us.php file to the child theme's sections folder then open it and look for the block which looks like this:

echo wp_kses_post( $zerif_aboutus_text );

echo '</p>';

This might be around line 114 in your editor. Add the button code line below the 

echo '</p>';

So it looks like this:

echo wp_kses_post( $zerif_aboutus_text );
echo '</p>';
echo '<a href=""><button class="btn btn-primary custom-button red-btn">My button</button></a>';
Edit the link to any page you'd like, you could change the
to any of our 3 other built in button styles:
green-btn, blue-btn, yellow-btn

Be sure to only use one at a time. To have the button open the link in a new tab then you need to add 

to the link so it looks like this:
echo '<a href="" target="_blank"><button class="btn btn-primary custom-button red-btn">My button</button></a>';

Save your changes to the file and you're done!

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