Search results for Display feed
337 articles found
How to display RSS feed time and date in local time
You can use the following code snippet to display feed time and date in the local time: add_filter( 'feedzy_feed_timestamp', 'tifd_change_timestamp', 10, 2 ); /** * Change feed timestamp according to
How to remove links from Thumbnails and Titles in Feedzy
This guide will teach you how to remove the links from the feed item's thumbnail and title, without removing these actual elements. At this moment, Feedzy RSS Feeds can display feeds from a feed URL
How to display thumbnail image from the feeds
If you want to display thumbnail items for your feeds, here's how to do it: Using Classic Editor (for WordPress users who are in version 4.9 and below. And for those using the Classic Editor view).
How to check whether the RSS feed is valid or not in Feedzy
To display RSS feeds on your site, you need to make sure whether the feed is valid. There are several ways to check whether a feed is valid or not but these two are the easiest ones: 1 Open the feed
How to display author, date, time (or a mix of them) from the feed
You can choose to show either of or multiple of the following meta data from the feed - author, date or time. You can directly use the shortcode, use the shortcode pop-up editor in the classic
What is the difference between Feedzy RSS Feeds Free and PRO?
Which product version suits you better, free or PRO? Jump to: Import Options Integration with SpinnerChief & WordAI Display feeds Support Built-in services Tag Actions π₯ Import Options Using this
How to find an RSS Feed URL to use with Feedzy RSS Feeds
π What is an RSS feed URL? An RSS Feed is actually a .xml file that contains all the valuable information about the content of a website. This information can then be used to extract the information
How to display both value and percentage in slice of Pie Chart
To display both value and percentage on your pie chart, follow these steps: 1 Go to Visualizer > Chart Library 2 Select the chart you want and click to edit it. 3 Navigate to Settings > Pie Settings,
How to change the default feed ordering in Feedzy?
π Note: The steps provided in this article are available for Feedzy in a Widget/Shortcode and for the Feed to Post feature. Sometimes, due to the feed that you are using, the order of the feed posts
How to Display Source Name and Link of the Feed in Feedzy?
π Note: This article is suitable when displaying feeds as posts. For more details about this method, check this dedicated doc. Giving credit to the original source can be done in multiple ways,
FAQ - Feed to Post in Feedzy
This article contains answers to the most frequently asked questions about the Feed to Post feature in Feedzy: Can all posts from an import job be assigned to the same category? When configuring the
Feed Groups in Feedzy
Feedzy comes with a useful option of grouping multiple feed sources of similar topics into a single group that can be further used as a feed source. In this submenu of the Feedzy RSS Agreggator
Feedzy RSS Feeds Documentation
Feedzy is an RSS aggregator that helps you curate content, auto blog, display, and import RSS feeds within a few minutes. π Note: Exciting news! We do offer a demo for Feedzy, allowing you to
How to display Amazon Products using Feedzy?
π Note: This feature is part of the premium version of Feedzy RSS Feeds, which you can get from here. To display Amazon Products as feed, just follow the steps below: 1 Navigate to Feedzy >
Lazy loading feed items with Feedzy
Feedzy offers a lazy loading option that can be used to display the feed content only after the entire content is fully loaded ( and cache the content, improving the performance of the page ). Until
How to display the shop title in Neve
The title of the shop page is hidden by default in Neve. In order to add the title of the shop page, two ways can be followed: using the Custom Layouts PRO module - here is a video about using it to
How can I display a chart?
π Note: This feature is part of Visualizer: Charts and Graphs. Take a look at the complete documentation of the plugin here. There are two ways of displaying the charts created with Visualizer:
How to import embedded audios to posts?
Feedzy RSS Feeds offers the possibility of importing embedded audio to posts so that you can easily introduce music, podcasts, or any audio file to your posts. π Note: If you need more details about
Value of a Custom Field for a Page / Post
πNote: This Custom Field is used in combination with the Custom Layouts Module of Neve Pro. For more details about it check this doc. The value of a Custom Field for a Page / Post is the value typed
How to use the Translating Service in Feedzy
π Note: The translating service is part of the feed-to-post import method, and it is available only in the Agency plan, which you can get from here. Using the feature Action-Supporting Content Tags
How to change cache lifetime for a specific feed
This guide's purpose is to help you change the cache lifetime for a specific feed using Feedzy's built in features. The cache lifetime of a feed refers to how often your feed should update its
How to display posts by categories in Hestia
If you want to display posts from a particular category only in the Blog Section of Hestia, then we've made a small extension that can help you with it. Step 1: Download Hestia Blog Extension by
How to sort feed items by title
You can use this code snippet to sort the feed items alphabetically by their title: function tifd_feedzy_feed_items_alphabetically( $items, $feedURL ) { if ( '' ==
Display Custom Fields in Gutenberg / WordPress 5
To find or display custom fields in latest version of WordPress, it requires only a couple of the following steps: Add/Edit any post in WordPress admin. Click on three dots given at the top-right
Use feed source links for post imported with Feedzy RSS
Besides easily inserting content from any feed on your page, Feedzy RSS offers the option to import that content in the form of posts on your WordPress site. You can read more about how to do that
How to use the Rephrasing Service in Feedzy
π Note: The translating service is part of the feed-to-post import method, and it is available in the Developer and Agency plans, which you can get from here. Using the feature Action-Supporting
How do I extract values from custom tags in Feedzy?
πNote: This Premium feature is available only with the Developer and Agency plans. If you've already purchased one of the two plans, you need to have both the Lite & Pro versions of the plugin
How to use Feed to Post feature in Feedzy
πNote: The Feed to Post feature is available in the free version of Feedzy RSS Feeds, but you can enhance its functionalities with the Pro version, which you can get from here. For more details
How to sort feed items by date
You can use this code snippet to sort the feed items alphabetically by their date: function tifd_feedzy_feed_items_date( $items, $feedURL ) { if ( '' == $feedURL ) {
How price is displayed from the feed
If you want to display the price from your feed, then the price needs to be added in the XML/feed URL. Feedzy extracts price in the following order: From an XML element called <price> From an XML
How to display WooCommerce Data Charts using Visualizer?
π Note: This feature is part of Visualizer PRO, which you can get from here. If you're the admin of an online shop, probably you sometimes feel the need to create reports with the statistics that
Integrations - Related Blocks
π Note: These blocks are part of the Otter Blocks plugin, which you can get from here. π Note: The blocks' appearance can be improved using the Otter features, such as Transform to Sticky,
How to eliminate duplicate feed items.
When you have a large set of feed urls which you would like to display, there is a common issue to remove the duplicates based on their urls. You can use this code snippet to achieve this: function
How to show author name in Zelle
Important notice: This product is now in maintenance mode and is no longer being actively developed or supported. Updates and bug fixes will not be provided unless they relate to security concerns.
How to add affiliate referrals to feed URLs in Feedzy
π Note: This is an option of Feedzy RSS Feeds Premium, which is composed of the Feedzy RSS Feeds Lite plugin and Feedzy RSS Feeds Premium plugin. Both of them need to be installed and active. Using
How To Display Multiple Authors in Neve?
Sometimes, the blog posts may have more than one author. To display all of them, Neve can be used with the Co-Authors plugin. 1 Navigate to Plugins > Add New. 2 Search for the Co-Authors Plus plugin
How to Display Favicons in Logo&Site Identity?
Favicon icons can be used in Neve to create a customized title for your website inside the browser. 1 Create and download the wished favicon icon for your website. 2 Navigate to Dashboard >
How to Display Blocks Based on Cookies?
π Note: This is part of the Otter PRO features library, which you can get from here. Enabling the Panel Using the Condition Example π² Enabling the Panel Blocks visibility can be controlled using
How to display Last Modified date in Hestia
If you're running a news blog or where the content is constantly being updated then you might want to display the last modified date in your blog posts instead of the date of article being published.
How to Display Blocks Based on URL Parameters?
π Note: This is part of the Otter PRO features library, which you can get from here. Blocks visibility can be controlled using the Visibility Conditions that Otter brings in. These can be found
How to keep HTML in feed items content?
π Note: This solution provided in this article is for the Feedzy widget, not for the imported posts feature. Some feeds have HTML tags for the content or other elements. If you want to keep them,
Neve: How to display the featured image on pages
By default, featured images don't display on single pages, just on single posts. βͺ Before If you want to change this behavior and have the featured images show up on pages, follow the steps below:
How to display Team description on mobile in Hestia
π Appearance > Customize > Frontpage Sections > Team βͺ Before displaying team description By default, Hestia removes the description of Team members from small screens, to match the design. β© After
How to display multiple authors in Otter's Posts Block
Since 2.6.3 version of Otter Blocks, there is a filter that allows you to customize the response of Post Block's Author field. You can use the ` otter_blocks_posts_author` filter. For example,
How to display featured image inside pages in Zelle
Important notice: This product is now in maintenance mode and is no longer being actively developed or supported. Updates and bug fixes will not be provided unless they relate to security concerns.
How to display featured image inside posts in Zelle
Important notice: This product is now in maintenance mode and is no longer being actively developed or supported. Updates and bug fixes will not be provided unless they relate to security concerns.
How to Trim Content in Feed to Post?
π Note: The Trim Content feature is part of the Feed To Post import method in Feedzy RSS Feeds. Using the feature Use Cases Action-Supporting Tags π§° Using the feature 1 In the Import wizard, open
How to Replace Content in Feed to Post?
π Note: The Search and Replace feature is part of the Feed To Post import method in Feedzy RSS Feeds. Using the Feature Use Cases Regex Wildcard Action-Supporting Tags π§° Using the Feature 1 In the
How to fetch big image for Blogger blog Feed
Blogger Blog feeds provide small images for thumbnails. If you are fetching the feed using the shortcode and displaying a bit bigger images. In this case, the images might look blurry. To overcome
How to Paraphrase using AI in Feed to Post?
π Note: The "Rewrite with AI" feature, which combines "Paraphrase", "Summarize" and similar actions, is part of the Feed To Post import method in Feedzy RSS Feeds, and it is available in the