How to activate your license key

Our Pro themes and plugins come with a license key that you will find in your account next to the products. This doc will help you activate the license key on your website for any pro theme / plugin as well as dedicated docs for our pro products.

🔐 Adding the License Key


Upload and activate the theme / plugin.


To obtain the license key, go to the Purchase History, then click to copy it.


Come back to the Dashboard, navigate to Settings > General and scroll down until you see the theme or plugin license input.


Insert the license key into the field and click Activate.


Check its status to ensure your license key was properly activated. 

For Neve Pro, the process is slightly different, because its license key can be added in Neve > Dashboard.

🧰 Manage your Domains

Also, the site where you have activated the license key should be displayed on your ThemeIsle account, in the Manage your domains section.

🗂 Dedicated Docs

We have prepared dedicated docs for our premium versions of the products:



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