Visualizer: Charts and Graphs Documentation

Visualizer is a powerful tool that can easily be used to create, manage and embed interactive charts into your WordPress posts and pages. 

The plugin uses Google Visualization API to render charts, which supports:

  • πŸ–‡οΈ cross-browser compatibility
  • πŸ“± cross-platform portability to iOS and Android

πŸ“ Note: Exciting news! We do offer a demo for Visualizer, allowing you to explore its features firsthand before making a decision. Take your time to test it out and see if it fits your needs perfectly here.

πŸ“© Download and Install 

To download and install the Visualizer plugin, make sure you follow the steps below:


Navigate to the WordPress  Dashboard Plugins.

Click the Add New button and type in the Search Bar " Visualizer".
When the plugin appears, click on the Install button and then on  Activate.

πŸ“ Note: These instructions are just for Visualizer. To install the purchased Visualizer Pro, make sure you follow these instructions.

🧰 Managing the Charts

There are many available  operations with Charts and Graphs within the Visualizer plugin directly from the Visualizer > Charts Library:

Create a Chart
Delete a Chart
Customize a chart
Display a Chart
Clone a chart
Export a chart

Before creating the chart, please note that by default, the plugin saves an image of the chart in your Media Library. The purpose of this is to be available for download in case you enable it in the front-end actions and for rendering the chart as an image on the AMP version of the page, which is done automatically. To prevent creating a copy of the chart as an image in your media library, just uncheck this box in the chart settings ( click for image). Please note that if AMP is enabled on your website, this option is automatically turned on.

πŸ“ Note: The chart's legend position can be adjusted according to your needs. Check this doc for further information about this.

βš™οΈAvailable Data Sources of Charts

One of the most important features of the Visualizer plugin is that it can be a time-saver, due to the import function. 

Below is a table with the import possibilities and the plans that include them:

Type Free Personal Plus
Manual Data
Yes  Text/Simple/Excel 
Import from a local uploaded .csv file
Import from an online resourse - URL (.csv file)
 One-time/10 minutes/Each hour/12 hours/day/3 days
 One-time/10 minutes/Each hour/12 hours/day/3 days
Import from an online resource - URL (JSON file)
 One-time/10 minutes/Each hour/12 hours/day/3 days
 One-time/10 minutes/Each hour/12 hours/day/3 days
Import from WooCommerce Reports
Import from other charts (previously created )
Import from WordPress
One-time/10 minutes/Each hour/12 hours/day/3 days
Import from database
 One-time/10 minutes/Each hour/12 hours/day/3 days

πŸ“ Note: Visualizer allows the user to reflect upon the changes made through time by syncing the charts.

πŸ—‚ Charts Library

To access the Charts Library, navigate to Dashboard > Visualizer > Chart Library.

Charts of the Free Version
Charts of the Pro version

There are 15 chart types available in the Visualizer Library, optimized to address your data visualization needs, split into the Free Version and Pro Version, including:

  • the popular DataTables library
  • 12 Google charts
  • 6 charts from Chart.js

Visualizer PRO Features

Screen Options and Filters
Translate Visualizer's Data

🧹 Screen Options and Filters

πŸ“ Note: The premium version of Visualizer allows you to create interactive charts by adding filters.

To prevent a crowded library, you can choose a smaller number of charts to appear on each page:

Click on Screen Options on the top right side of the screen.
Add your preferred number, then click Apply.

The charts can also be filtered based on type, used library, and creation date:

Choose your preferred options.
Click on  Apply Filters.

πŸ“ Note: To reset the search, just click on Clear Filters.

Translate Visualizer's data

πŸ“ Note: The premium version of Visualizer allows you to make the charts even more accessible through translation options.

Visualizer Pro can render the translated version of your charts and display them once the user clicks on the language switcher.

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