Search results for Feed to Post

934 articles found

  • Lazy Loading vs Eager Loading

    🐌 Lazy Loading Lazy loading is a feature that enhances the speed and performance of your website by loading only the necessary page elements and preserving unnecessary resources if the user doesn't

  • The Custom Thank You Pages Module - Sparks

    πŸ“ Note: The Custom Thank You Pages module is part of the Sparks plugin, which you can get from here. The Custom Thank You Pages create a more friendly appearance to the online shop, by displaying a

  • Custom Layouts in Hestia Pro

    πŸ“ Note: Custom Layouts are available in Hestia Pro, which you can get from here. The Custom Layouts module within Hestia Pro allows you to create a section, that can be edited with the WordPress

  • My website displays differently Admin vs Guest

    There are 3 possible common reasons for this to happen and we would advise trying the below fixes first. If nothing worked we are happy to assist if you create a new thread on our forum where you can

  • Creating a one-time payment form

    In this guide, we’ll show you how to create a one-time payment form for selling one-off products or services. What is one-time payment form? A one-time payment form allows you to charge your

  • Orbit Fox Documentation

    Orbit Fox is a multi-functional plugin that extends your theme by adding extra features. This plugin is designed to put the user first so all the settings can be found under the admin dashboard.

  • Using placeholder tokens

    Placeholder tokens are special markers used in email notifications, thank you pages, and payment descriptions, which are automatically replaced with dynamic content. They allow you to personalize

  • How can I get support for free products

    To say it bluntly, we can't afford to offer human-based support for our free products; if you have a custom question as a user of our free products, you'll need to subscribe to one of our plans.

  • Payment form types

    WP Full Pay allows you to accept Stripe payments on your WordPress site with different payment forms. In this article, we'll look at the supported payment form types at WP Full Pay with their

  • β€œNo such token” error message

    Description: when making a payment, "no such token" error message appears. What happened? When a customer tries to make a payment on a one-time payment form or on a subscription form, an error

  • WordPress constant NONCE_KEY is too short

    Description: Customers get a nonce-related error message when a form is displayed. What happened? Customers open a page with a payment form, and the following error message is displayed: WordPress

  • Shopisle Remove page top banner image

    Important notice: This product is now in maintenance mode and is no longer being actively developed or supported. Updates and bug fixes will not be provided unless they relate to security concerns.

  • Redirection for Contact Form 7 Documentation

    Redirection for Contact Form 7 allows you to redirect users to any desired page after a successful email submission, execute scripts post-submission, and store submissions in the database. The plugin

  • Jobs listing Demosite

    Live Demo and Testing Environment πŸ“ Note: You can view a live, working version of the jobs listing demo explained below by visiting this page. This demo showcases a functional job listing site built

  • Neve FSE Theme

    Note: Neve FSE is a different them than Neve. The Neve Pro Addon is the premium version of Neve. Neve is now compatible with full-site editing, which means that you can customize templates with a

  • Add a third button in Big Title section of Zelle

    Important notice: This product is now in maintenance mode and is no longer being actively developed or supported. Updates and bug fixes will not be provided unless they relate to security concerns.

  • Social Sharing Icons - Orbit Fox module

    πŸ“ Note: This module is part of the Orbit Fox plugin. For more information about the plugin, please check the main documentation. The easiest way to get more social shares and traffic to your website

  • Neve Header Builder

    View in German Neve comes with a versatile builder for the header area of your site. With just a few clicks you can create your perfect header. πŸ“ Note: If you are interested in getting all the

  • MPG Project Main Options

    πŸ“ Note: This feature is part of the MPG plugin, which you can get from here. If you want to learn more about it, check out our dedicated doc. When creating a project, even if it's from scratch or by

  • Disable Social Share Buttons in Hestia

    To disable the social sharing buttons which shows up on the blog posts of Hestia you need to go to Appearance->Customize->Appearance Settings->General Settings and uncheck the Enable Social Icons

  • List MPG generated pages in default loop of WordPress

    You can list MPG-generated pages in the default loop of WP Posts. To do this, you need to enable the Display generated pages in your site content listings and query loop? option under the project

  • Remove featured image on Individual Blog page in Hestia

    You might like to remove this image from the Blog Individual page: Go to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS section in your WordPress Dashboard. Add the following code: .single-post

  • Block Editor Booster Module Documentation

    For more details check out the full Neve documentation and Neve PRO documentation. Important: The Block editor Booster is only part of the Agency plan of Neve PRO, and requires you to install and

  • Adjust product's header size and main content position in Hestia

    If your product page looks like it's taking up too much space or too little this guide will help you change the height of the product page's header and the position of the main content area. Here's

  • Hestia Frontpage Sections Disappearing

    If you are using the Hestia theme, and the front page settings aren't available, there are three things that can be checked. The front page option The page template The customizer option The front

  • Add specific "Service" types for in WP Product Review

    You might be reviewing some type of product that is not necessarily physical, like a delivery service, a list of radio shows or several financial services. In this case the available schemas don't

  • What is the Difference between MPG Free and MPG PRO?

    The Multiple Pages Generator plugin is one of the most valuable tools for boosting your website's visits through SEO implications. MPG free and PREMIUM offer many features, but the main difference

  • Zelle - Set the Home Page

    Important notice: This product is now in maintenance mode and is no longer being actively developed or supported. Updates and bug fixes will not be provided unless they relate to security concerns.

  • Zelle Pro Documentation

    Important notice: This product is now in maintenance mode and is no longer being actively developed or supported. Updates and bug fixes will not be provided unless they relate to security concerns.

  • Otter Blocks documentation

    Otter Blocks is a powerful collection of page-building blocks and templates for the WordPress block editor. The expanding library of page building blocks incorporates all the necessary elements to

  • The Advanced Product Reviews Module - Sparks

    πŸ“ Note: The Advanced Product Reviews module is part of the Sparks plugin, which you can get from here. This module enhances Sparks' Product Review by allowing users to enable an advanced review

  • Tracking Blocks

    πŸ“ Note: These blocks are part of the Otter Blocks plugin, which you can get from here. πŸ“ Note: The blocks' appearance can be improved using the Otter features, such as Transform to Sticky,

  • The AI Block - Otter Blocks Library

    πŸ“ Note: These blocks are part of the Otter Blocks plugin, which you can get from here. The AI Block works based on the OpenAI API key, which means that you have to create an OpenAI account in order

  • ShopIsle Pro Documentation

    Important notice: This product is now in maintenance mode and is no longer being actively developed or supported. Updates and bug fixes will not be provided unless they relate to security concerns.

  • MPG Troubleshooting Guide

    This guide contains common queries that may help you work with MPG. For more information about the MPG plugin, please refer to the main documentation. General requirements A project cannot be

  • Visualizer: Charts and Graphs Documentation

    Visualizer is a powerful tool that can easily be used to create, manage and embed interactive charts into your WordPress posts and pages. The plugin uses Google Visualization API to render charts,

  • Creating the perfect email receipt

    Email receipts are an indispensible part of any online transaction today. If you run an online business, you have to send a record of the transaction to your customers after every sale. Is sending a

  • Setting up webhooks

    Learn how to set up webhooks for WP Full Pay. Table of contents: What's webhooks and why should you set up? How to set up webhooks? Verifying webhooks on Stripe dashboard Verifying webhooks on WP

  • Currency Converter Demosite

    Live Demo and Testing Environment πŸ“ Note: You can view a live, working version of the currency converter demo explained below by visiting this page. This demo showcases a functional currency

  • Security

    In the 'Settings β†’ Security' settings, you can configure Google reCAPTCHA to protect your site's forms from spam and automated abuse. You have the option to apply reCAPTCHA to inline forms, checkout

  • Make the navbar transparent and change its color when scrolling in Zelle

    Important notice: This product is now in maintenance mode and is no longer being actively developed or supported. Updates and bug fixes will not be provided unless they relate to security concerns.

  • Creating a subscription form

    In this guide, we’ll show you how to create and customize a subscription form on your WordPress admin to accept recurring payments for a product or service. What is subscription payment form? A

  • LightStart - Maintenance Mode, Coming Soon, and Landing Page Builder Documentation

    The LightStart - Maintenance Mode, Coming Soon, and Landing Page Builder plugin is a perfect tool for any website that lets visitors know your site is down for maintenance or add a coming soon page.

  • PPOM Troubleshooting guide

    To troubleshoot issues related to product releases or specific circumstances, follow these steps. This document will guide both you and us in collecting the necessary data for effective

  • Creating a save card form

    In this guide, you can find a step-by-step guide about create and customize a save card form. What is a save card form? A save card form refers to a feature that allows your customers to securely

  • The Multi-Announcement Bars Module - Sparks

    πŸ“ Note: The Multi-Announcement Bars module is part of the Sparks plugin, which you can get from here. The multi-announcement bars are very useful for the offers that appear from time to time,

  • Configuring the Stripe API keys

    In this article, you'll learn how to configure Stripe API keys in WP Full Pay. Since WP Full Pay v7.0 you no longer need to manually add Stripe API keys, unless you have customized your code and are

  • Support Policy

    The Themeisle Support Policy is your guide to getting help with our products. It explains how to get in touch with us, what kind of help we offer, and how long it usually takes to hear back from us.

  • The Variation Swatches Module - Sparks

    πŸ“ Note: The Variation Swatches module is part of the Sparks plugin, which you can get from here. The Variation Swatches is a very useful tool that belongs to an online shop. It displays the

  • Chargebacks explained

    What is a chargeback? Simply put, a chargeback is an action that may occur after an online customer successfully disputes a specific transaction that has already been charged by an online merchant.