Neve FSE Theme

Note: Neve FSE is a different them than Neve. The Neve Pro Addon is the premium version of Neve.

Neve is now compatible with  full-site editing, which means that you can customize templates with a block-based approach. The ease of use of our theme stays in the fact that it is built using common Gutenberg blocks but also special blocks provided by the Otter plugin that will enhance your experience. In this way, you can customize each part of your website, use style variations to create a specific color and typography mix and take advantage of the FSE templates for Single and Archive pages, Header Covers, Footer, and Header variations.

πŸ“ Note: If you are a Neve user already and want to switch to Neve FSE Theme, you should know that Neve FSE will try to use the predefined global colors in Neve, some of the typography options, and buttons settings. These are not included in the Style variations feature.

This article will present you with how to start working with the new format.

πŸ“₯ Download and Install

Navigate here and click on the Download button.

Go to the Dashboard > Appearance > Themes and upload the archive.
Activate the theme, and then you're ready to move to the next chapter.

βš™οΈ Dashboard Editor

After enabling the FSE in the Customizer, a new panel appeared in Dashboard > Appearance called Editor:

From there, you can access the Templates or Template Parts and edit them by clicking on the pencil button.

It will  open the editor, which looks the same as the Gutenberg editor, and you can start editing templates there.

  • 1 = site icon (or WordPress icon) - opens the left sidebar allowing you to return to the dashboard or to switch to templates or template parts.
  • 2 = patterns/blocks library - take advantage of the ready-made Neve FSE patterns or use the blocks to create the desired website.
  • 3 = current template that you are editing - you can open other templates from there by clicking on the dropdown menu.
  • 4 = style variations - create a global palette of colors or typography options that you can use across the website.

πŸ—‚ Templates

The templates help you create a global layout for your website and reuse them every time you need. These have control over individual pages, posts, or groups of pages/posts. 

There are several templates that you can use across your website: 

  • 404 page
  • Archive (category pages, tag pages, and other archive pages.)
  • Front Page (homepage of your website)
  • Index (it can be used as a replacement in case the Front Page is not default)
  • Page (standard pages, such as About or Contact page)
  • Search
  • Single (individual blog posts)
  • template-blank

If none of these suits your needs, you can even create new templates.

πŸ“ Note: If you want to learn more about how you can edit or change the template of a page, check this doc.

πŸ” Template Parts

Inside the template parts, you will find  specific areas of the website, such as the Header and Footer. Neve FSE boosts their utility, bringing in more variations for each of the areas, such as four predefined layouts for the footer and three for the header

Apart from these, you can  build your own layout by simply accessing the Footer/Header or adding new parts, like a sidebar.

Below, you can see the Header Variation-Centered layout.

πŸ“ Note: The header/footer can be changed individually. Learn more about this from this doc.

Neve FSE Layouts

To ensure a seamless user experience, Neve FSE provides two additional layouts for the Archive pages: Cover and List,  apart from the default Grid layout of the Archive pages. This way, you have a variety of options to choose from.

Additionally, you can display your Single Posts in two more layouts - Cover and Cover Boxed - apart from the default layout, adding a touch of elegance to your website.

πŸ“ Note: Learn more about how to use the single and archive layouts from this doc.

Neve FSE Patterns

The professionally designed patterns that Neve FSE offers will help you enhance your website's appearance. There you can find call-to-action sections, columns with images and content, page covers, team sections, services, pricing plans, and many more.

These can be used on templates but also on simple pages or posts.


Click on the  plus button to add a new block and open the Patterns tab.


Select  Neve FSE Patterns and pick the suitable one.

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