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934 articles found
How to change the status of the review
To change the status of the review for particular posts, add this following snippet to the functions.php file of your theme or your child theme. add_filter('wppr_review_change_status',
How to change Front page meta tags/Search Appearance?
Meta tags are pieces of code, visible only in the HTML code, responsible for the information about the website. Some of the most important meta tags are meta title and meta description. πNote: An
Hestia versus Neve: which WordPress theme to choose
When choosing a WordPress theme for your website is important to understand if that theme matches your website's purpose and needs. If you are considering using Hestia or Neve, but you are not
How to create a child theme for Neve
If you using Neve and want to make some changes in the theme without the fear of losing them on the next theme update, a child theme is a good solution. It inherits the functionality, features, and
How to change Line Chart's Vertical Axis color?
The Line Chart is one of the most familiar charts used to display data. In order to have the vertical axis visible and change its color, you have to make sure that all the columns of your source file
How To Filter The Data Within a Graph?
π Note: This is a premium feature of Visualizer: Charts and Graphs, which you can get from here. Filtering the data might be handy if you want to allow your website's visitors to exclude specific
How to use Lazy Load feature in Visualizer
The lazy load feature works for charts that use the Google Charts library. To use this feature you need to add the lazy=yes or lazy=<number> parameter to the shortcode. For example: [visualizer
How to display WooCommerce Data Charts using Visualizer?
π Note: This feature is part of Visualizer PRO, which you can get from here. If you're the admin of an online shop, probably you sometimes feel the need to create reports with the statistics that
How to generate charts from JSON data/REST endpoints
New hope! Let's say we want to plot the height and weight (nee mass) of different characters from everyone's favourite science fiction series Star Wars (the API is available here). We will use the
How to Customize the Features section in Hestia?
π Note: This section is available only after you install and activate Orbit Fox plugin. A features section is useful on a website because it briefly showcases the key functionalities and benefits,
How to search for settings in the Customizer?
This feature will ease your user experience by facilitating searching for sections and panels through the Customizer search component. To access this component, follow these steps: 1 Navigate to
How to make the page full-width in Hestia
Most of the pages in Hestia, blog/archive, single page, single post, has an option for displaying a sidebar. When this one is hidden, the content is just centered and not full width. Page without
How to Customize the About section in Hestia?
π Note: This section is available only after you install and activate the Orbit Fox plugin. An "About" section on a website is useful for establishing credibility and building trust with visitors.
How to Customize the Blog section in Hestia?
The blog section is valuable as it provides a platform for businesses to share valuable content, demonstrate expertise, engage with their audience, and improve SEO by regularly updating the website
How to Customize the Shop section in Hestia?
π Note: The Shop Section requires the WooCommerce plugin to work, so make sure it's installed. A shop section is useful on a website because it allows businesses to showcase and sell their products
How to Customize the Ribbon section in Hestia?
π Note: This section is available only after you install and activate the Orbit Fox plugin. A ribbon section is useful on a website because it serves as a prominent and eye-catching element, drawing
How to Customize the Testimonials section in Hestia?
π Note: This section is available only after you install and activate the Orbit Fox plugin. A testimonials section is important for a website because it builds trust and credibility by showcasing
How to change colour of graphs in Visualizer
The color of the graphs can be changed. Before the color change: After you have created a chart, go to Visualizer > Chart Library. Click edit on the chart already created, select your chart, and on
How to create Neve newsletter form in WPForms
WPForm is a great plugin that allows you to easily create any contact form you want. It comes with pre-built form templates that can be easily customized, so you donβt ever have to start from scratch
How to hide elements in the print mode?
If you need to print your website, you will notice that there are some elements that are not very useful, such as the sticky header, certain images, or other things like these. In order to remove
How to create Neve contact form in WPForms
WPForm is a great plugin that allows you to easily create any contact form you want. It comes with pre-built form templates that can be easily customized, so you donβt ever have to start from scratch
How to use Neve Patterns in Custom Layouts?
π Note: This feature is part of the PRO version of Neve, which you can get from here. While editing a custom layout, you will get access to the Neve Patterns collection. There are multiple templates
How to automatically sync charts with online files
π Note: The steps provided in this article can be applied only to online files. To create an online file, please refer to this doc. Sometimes you find yourself in a situation where you have a
How to Customize the Contact section in Hestia?
A contact section is useful on a website because it provides a direct and convenient way for visitors to get in touch, ask questions, or initiate collaborations. General Settings Disable section -
How to Remove Sidebar on Mobile in Hestia
Sometimes you do not want to have a sidebar on mobile screens. It can be removed this way. Navigate to Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS section and add the following code: @media (max-width:
How to Manage Template Page in Neve FSE?
The templates might be handy if you want to create a standard appearance for the pages/elements of your website. These can be easily added and designed from the FSE Editor. Edit Template Change
How to automatically expand sub-menu items on mobile
This guide will teach you how to make all of your dropdown sub-menu items show up on mobile. πNote: This guide only works for Neve and Neve PRO. Trying the following steps with other themes might
How to display the shop title in Neve
The title of the shop page is hidden by default in Neve. In order to add the title of the shop page, two ways can be followed: using the Custom Layouts PRO module - here is a video about using it to
How to change the page template in WordPress
π Note: There is at least one custom page template file in your active Theme's folder. If you change your Theme, the page templates in your previously activated Theme will not display. In WordPress,
How to add a button in the Header
1 Navigate to Appearance > Menus > and make sure you are editing the Primary Menu. 2 Inside the Primary Menu, add a new Custom Link item with URL and Label that will apply to the button. 3 For for
How to configure MPG Advanced and Search settings?
π Note: This feature is part of the MPG plugin, which you can get from here. If you want to learn more about it, check out our dedicated doc. Advanced Settings Update tables structure - allows you
How to use Visualizer with Advanced Custom Fields?
When trying to create a Visualizer Chart Shortcode in the ACF Field and showcase that field using the Elementor Custom Field Widget, the shortcode might break and start showing the code snippets on
Error when trying to activate MPG Pro Plan
Error: ERROR WHEN TRYING TO ACTIVATE PREMIUM Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class MPG_CoreModel in
How to display Last Modified date in Hestia
If you're running a news blog or where the content is constantly being updated then you might want to display the last modified date in your blog posts instead of the date of article being published.
How to Customize the Team section in Hestia?
π Note: This section is available only after you install and activate the Orbit Fox plugin. A team section is useful on a website because it introduces the people behind the brand, establishing a
How to Customize the Subscribe section in Hestia?
π Note: This section is available only after you install and activate the Orbit Fox plugin. The subscribe section is crucial for capturing potential customers' contact information, allowing
How to Customize Pricing section in Hestia PRO?
π Note: Hestia Pro comes with a beautiful set of pricing tables. It allows you to add unlimited options to your tables by separating them with a "\n". A pricing section is useful on a website
How to Display Blocks Based on URL Parameters?
π Note: This is part of the Otter PRO features library, which you can get from here. Blocks visibility can be controlled using the Visibility Conditions that Otter brings in. These can be found
How to Manage Marketing Integration in Otter Forms?
π Note: This article presents an integration of the Otter Forms. Learn more about the Otter Forms from this doc. Otter Forms provides powerful tools that easily connect your forms with different
How to install PPOM free and pro version?
This article will explain how you can install and activate the free and premium versions of PPOM. There are a few steps that need to be done. install free version install pro version Installing the
Passing the payment amount to one-time payment forms
What is the use case? Imagine a one-time payment form where the payment amount can be entered by the client. If youβd like to set the initial payment amount by passing an URL parameter, like on the
Error logging | How to configure error logging?
Introduction WP Full Pay runs on thousands of websites comprising different WordPress, plugin, and theme versions. Each plugin version undergoes rigorous testing but some errors happen on customersβ
How to Enable the Cart Edit in PPOM?
π Note: This feature is available in the premium version of the plugin, which you can get from here. The Cart Edit add-on can help visitors easily change their orders to suit their needs while they
How to Configure the Field Popup in PPOM?
π Note: This feature is available in the premium version of the plugin, which you can get from here. The Fields Popup addon allows the PPOM meta fields to be displayed inside a popup on the product
How to change portfolio archive title in Hestia
By default, the title of the portfolio archive page is "Projets". However, you can change it according to your requirements. Please create a child theme and add the following code in functions.php
How to create a child theme for Hestia
If you are using Hestia or Hestia Pro and want to make some changes in the theme, those changes are likely to be overwritten at the next update of the theme. In order to prevent that from happening,
How to Create Your Own Data Source File?
Creating a list from scratch The most effective MPG projects use a significant amount of unique data that users manually upload. In the beginning, you may have a simple starter CSV file where you
How to Start Page Generation From a Template?
π Note: This feature is part of the MPG plugin, which you can get from here. If you want to learn more about it, check out our dedicated doc. The Dataset Library delivers ready-to-go templates for
How to Generate a List of MPG Pages?
Introduction One of the biggest advantages of using the MPG plugin is the possibility to generate filtered lists of data from your Source File. This helps to generate tables of factual content,
How to Search Through Generated Pages in MPG?
MPG is a WordPress plugin that enables unlimited pages to be generated and updated, however, by default those generated pages cannot be found within your website. If you search for a keyword that is