How to Start Page Generation From a Template?

📝 Note: This feature is part of the MPG plugin, which you can get from here. If you want to learn more about it, check out our dedicated doc.

The Dataset Library delivers ready-to-go templates for various domains, such as cities ( World cities and US cities ), services ( Plumbing and Locksmith services ), and other templates requiring a massive generation of pages. Creating a project using a template can be done by following these steps:

Navigate to MPG > Create New.
From MPG Setup, click on one of the presented templates or use the search field to save some time. 

📝 Note: If you know exactly what you need, you can use the search bar in this regard.

After selecting a template, you will see two notifications on the right side of the screen for a successful process.

Customize the project's name and project's details, such as entity type, URL, and many others.

📝 Note: For further details about these project options, check this dedicated doc.

🎥 Video - How to start page generation from a Template?

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