What's the difference between Otter Free and Otter Pro?

Otter is a lightweight, dynamic collection of page-building blocks and templates for the WordPress block editor. You can access even more advanced blocks and features with the premium version.

๐Ÿ”ฎ Features of the Blocks

Features Otter Otter Pro
Visibility Conditions
The conditional loading is a feature that applies to all blocks within the Otter Library and is represented by the Visibility Condition, in the Settings panel.

๐Ÿ“Note: The PRO version offers more conditions for the blocks. Check this chapter to find out more about them.

Yes Yes
Import and sync review data from Woo products feature 
This feature is related to the Product Review Block. It displays the review of a manually added product, but this process can be automated by using the details of a WooCommerce product.
- Yes
Transform to Sticky 
This feature is very useful when you want to change your website's appearance while scrolling the page.

๐Ÿ“Note: The PRO version offers more options for the sticky blocks. Check this chapter to find out more about them.

Yes Yes
An animation can enliven the content of the block. It can be a loading animation, count animation, or typing animation.

Yes Yes
WooCommerce Product Builder
This feature allows you to design the product shop page as you wish, using the blocks available in the editor.

- Yes
Local Fonts 
This feature will speed up your website by hosting Google Fonts locally.
- Yes
Otter Patterns Library
Yes Yes
Dynamic Values 
This feature allows you to insert dynamic values and automatically display updated information on your website.

๐Ÿ“Note: The PRO version offers more data types and dynamic values. Check this chapter to find out more about them.

- Yes
Copy Paste Styles 
This feature allows you to copy the style of a certain block and paste it to another one

Dynamic Links 
This feature allows you to insert dynamic links that will be automatically imported.

๐Ÿ“Note: The PRO version offers more dynamic links data types. Check this chapter to find out more about them.

- Yes
Live Search 
This feature allows you to convey an extended live search using the Search or Advanced Search blocks.
- Yes

๐Ÿ“Œ Transform to Sticky

Options Otter Otter Pro
Sticky to 
Set the parent element for the sticky block. By default, it is set to the screen so that the block will remain on the screen when you scroll down.

 Yes Yes
Pick the block's position in relation to the screen, top or bottom. This will influence the orientation of the block when you scroll.

( Top )
( Top + Bottom )
Refers to the distance that remains between the block and the screen.

   - Yes
Closing the Sticky
It appears after enabling the Float Mode.

   - Yes
This option decides how the sticky blocks will behave when multiple sticky blocks with the same movement collide.

The pro version also has Fade and Stack options. 

 (3 options)
Enable on Mobile
Decide if you want this feature to be displayed on Mobile too.

   - Yes

๐Ÿ“ Note: More details about the Sticky feature can be found here.

๐Ÿ”„ Visibility Conditions

The Conditional Loading feature is a powerful tool of the Otter blocks, that allows you to control the visibility of the blocks contained by your website, based on conditions from different fields, like User, Posts, URL, or even Date & Time constraints.

Conditions Otter Otter Pro
The Users' conditions refer to the user status, such as Logged In Users, Logged Out Users, and User Roles.

  Yes Yes
Logged-in User Meta
The Posts' conditions refer to the post-related elements, such as Post Author, Post Category, Post Type.

Yes Yes
Post Meta
Date & Time
The Date & Time conditions include constraints like Date Range, Date Recurring, and Time Recurring.


The Advance conditions include constraints like Screen Size, Query String, Country, and Cookies.

Only Screen Size

This includes Products in Cart, Total Cart Value, Purchase History, and Total Spent conditions.


This includes Purchase History and Course Status conditions.



๐Ÿ“ Note: Here is a dedicated doc about the Visibility Conditions.

๐ŸŽฏ Dynamic Values

The Dynamic Values feature is a freemium feature available in Otter free and Otter Pro. This table presents the number of values available in both plans through the "%" symbol. The preview of the dynamic value is available in both free and pro version.

Dynamic Values Otter Otter Pro
Post ID Yes Yes
Post Title Yes Yes 
Post Excerpt Yes Yes
Post Date - Yes  
Post Time - Yes  
Post Terms - Yes  
Post Custom Field
Available through the ACF plugin integration.
- Yes  
Post Type  Yes Yes  
Post Status  Yes Yes  
Site Title Yes Yes  

Apart from this inserting method, you can select a word or a phrase and attach a dynamic value to it. The Data Type list available is different according to the plan.

Conditions Otter Otter Pro
Post ID Yes Yes
Post Title Yes Yes 
Post Content Yes Yes
Post Excerpt Yes Yes
Post Date - Yes  
Post Time - Yes  
Post Terms -
Post Custom Field
Available through the ACF plugin integration.
- Yes  
Post Type Yes Yes  
Post Status Yes Yes  
This section includes the Site Title and Site Tagline.
Yes Yes  
Author Name Yes Yes  
Author Description Yes Yes  
Author Meta - Yes  
Logged-in User Name Yes Yes  
Logged-in User Description Yes Yes  
Logged-in User Email Yes Yes  
Logged-in User Meta - Yes  
This section includes the Archive Title, Archive Description, Current Date, and Current Time.

This section includes the pro data types, URL Parameter, and Country.


๐Ÿ“ Note: Here is a dedicated section about the Dynamic Values in Otter.

๐Ÿ–ผ Dynamic Images

The Dynamic Images feature is a freemium feature available in Otter free and Otter Pro. 

Dynamic Images Otter Otter Pro
Featured Image Yes Yes
Author Image Yes Yes 
User Image Yes Yes
Website Logo Yes Yes  
Post Meta - Yes  
Woo Product - Yes  
ACF Image
Available through the ACF plugin integration.
- Yes  

๐Ÿ“ Note: Here is a dedicated section about the Dynamic Images in Otter.

The Dynamic Link feature is a freemium feature available in Otter free and Otter Pro. 

Data Types Otter Otter Pro
Site URL Yes Yes
Post URL Yes Yes 
Featured Image URL Yes Yes
Author URL Yes Yes  
Author Website Yes Yes  
Post Custom Field - Yes  
Available through the ACF plugin integration.
- Yes  

๐Ÿ“ Note: Here is a dedicated doc about the Dynamic Links in Otter.

๐Ÿ“จ Form Submissions

The Form Submissions feature is a pro feature available in Otter Pro. It allows the administrator to manage better the submissions that he receives using the Form blocks.

๐Ÿ“ Note: Learn more about the form submissions from this doc.

๐Ÿ‘ฅ Free VS Premium Blocks

In this section, you will find all the Otter and Otter Pro blocks listed to better highlight the differences between them.

Image / Animation Related Blocks Otter Otter Pro
Enhance your website's appearance with a minimal image slider to showcase beautiful images.
Yes Yes
Lottie Animation 
The Lottie animation attracts the attention of your website's visitors.
Yes Yes

Feel free to find out more about these blocks from here.

Layout Blocks Otter Otter Pro
The accordion helps save space on the website, collapsing the content and is perfect for displaying FAQs.
Yes Yes
The section block is a very important feature of this plugin because it allows the creation of more pleasing content by combining different blocks in multiple columns.
Yes Yes
Using tabs optimizes navigation between groups of content.
Yes Yes

Feel free to find out more about these blocks from here.

Form Blocks Otter Otter Pro
The forms are really helpful for having evidence of the information. 
Yes Yes
Contact Form 
Make sure that your visitors remain up to date using a contact form that makes them agree to receive email communication.
Yes Yes
Subscribe Form 
Allow your visitors to remain up to date using a subscribe form that ensures their engagement.
Yes Yes
Save Location Otter Otter Pro
Database - Yes
Email Only Yes Yes
Database and Email - Yes
Field Types for Form Blocks Otter Otter Pro
Checkbox Yes Yes
Date Yes Yes
Email Yes Yes
File - Yes
Hidden - Yes
Stripe - Yes
Number Yes Yes
Radio Yes Yes
Select Yes Yes
Text Yes Yes
Textarea Yes Yes
URL Yes Yes
Form Options Otter Otter Pro
Email To Yes Yes
Email Subject Yes Yes
Submissions Yes Yes
CC Yes Yes
BCC Yes Yes
From Name Yes Yes
Redirect on Submit Yes Yes
Enable reCaptcha Yes Yes
Autoresponder - Yes
Webhook - Yes

The Pro version of the Otter Blocks unlocks more features that allow you to manage the form submissions better, creating a new panel under the Otter Blocks settings in the Dashboard.

Feel free to find out more about these blocks from here.

HTML Related Blocks Otter Otter Pro
Advanced Heading 
Advanced Heading gives a spin to the editor's Heading block with much-needed customization options
Yes Yes
Button Group
Enhance your website's interaction, prompting visitors to take action with a button group.
Yes Yes
The timeline block allows you to display structured content using vertical timeline items.
Yes Yes

Feel free to find out more about these blocks from here.

Animated / Dynamic Blocks Otter Otter Pro
Sharing Icons 
Ensure your website's popularity by using share buttons with a suitable social sharing service.
Yes Yes
Flip Card 
This block allows you to create an animated block that will display different information on the front side and backside.
Yes Yes
The modal block is an interactive element that overlays the page, covering the content underneath until it is closed by the user.
- Yes
The popup is a notice that appears suddenly on the screen over another window or display.

๐Ÿ“Note: The PRO version offers two more options for this block: Close on Anchor Click and Dismiss for Recurring Visitors.

Yes Yes

Feel free to find out more about these blocks from here.

Icon Related Blocks Otter Otter Pro
Something more suggestive than a text or a button is an icon, and with the Icon block, you can easily add it to your website.
Yes Yes
Icon List 
Create an interesting layout for the icons using the Icon List block.
Yes Yes

Feel free to find out more about these blocks from here.

Posts Related Blocks Otter Otter Pro
You can make the posts of your website even more accessible with the Posts block.

๐Ÿ“Note: The PRO version allows you to add more fields for the posts using the Advanced Custom Fields plugin.

Yes Yes

Feel free to find out more about these blocks from here.

Shop Related Blocks Otter Otter Pro
Product Review 
Transform your products into ingenious reviews with ratings and generate edges with a fulfilling product review block.
Yes Yes
Review Comparison Table 
It is a special component that can be used only if the Comparison Table module is enabled in the WooCommerce Booster module
- Yes
Stripe Block
This block might be handy if you want to sell a couple of products without setting up a whole store, such as ebooks, some licenses, etc. More details about it can be found in this doc
Yes Yes
Add to Cart Button 
The add to cart button represents the button that stays somewhere around the product, to ensure the sale process.
 - Yes

Feel free to find out more about these blocks from here.

Maps Related Blocks Otter Otter Pro
As expected from the name, this block generates a map on your website. 
Yes Yes
Google Maps
Create a more interactive website using Google Maps.
Yes Yes

Feel free to find out more about these blocks from here.

Tracking Blocks Otter Otter Pro
Circle Counter 
As expected from the name, this block highlights the progress through an animated circle counter.
Yes Yes
Progress Bar 
Similar to the Circle Counter block, this one also showcases the progress within a beautifully animated progress bar.
Yes Yes
As expected from the name, this block is perfect for keeping the evidence of the time until a certain date. 
Yes Yes

Feel free to find out more about these blocks from here.

Business Related Blocks Otter Otter Pro
Business Hours
As expected from the name, the block is handy when it comes to creating a schedule for a business.
- Yes

Feel free to find out more about these blocks from here.

Support and Integrated Services

Integrations Otter Otter Personal Otter Business Otter Agency
Supported Sites
- 1 5 Unlimited
Priority Support
- - Yes Yes
Live Chat & VIP Support
- - - Yes
Templates Cloud
- - - Yes
Extended Live Search
- - - Yes

๐Ÿ“ Note: More details about the Block Editor Booster can be found here, and you can get the module on this page.

๐Ÿ“ Note: More details about the blocks can be found here.

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