Search results for Multi Pages Generator

509 articles found

  • How to create Neve newsletter form in WPForms

    WPForm is a great plugin that allows you to easily create any contact form you want. It comes with pre-built form templates that can be easily customized, so you don’t ever have to start from scratch

  • The Visibility Conditions Feature - Otter Features Library

    The conditional loading is a feature that applies to all blocks within the Otter Library and Gutenberg and is represented by the Visibility Condition. It gives the user control of the visibility of

  • Migrating to latest version

    Whether you're on v1.x or v6.x there are many benefits to update to the latest version of v7.x: Support for most recent WordPress and PHP versions Future-proof Stripe integration with no deprecated

  • Collecting taxes for payments

    Learn how to configure your payment forms to collect taxes. Introduction WP Full Pay provides tools for staying tax compliant. In this article, we’ll guide you through setting up the plugin for

  • What is Stripe?

    Introducing Stripe Payments Stripe is a financial services company allowing internet businesses to accept online payments securely. In other words, Stripe is a third-party payment processor.

  • Neve-Typografie

    In diesem Leitfaden finden Sie Informationen zu den Schriftmechaniken von Neve, einschließlich des Prozesses zur Änderung von Schriftarten, der Auswahl von Schriftfamilien, der Anpassung von

  • Neve Pro Dokumentation

    In diesem Artikel Installieren & Konfigurieren Preismodelle Module im Detail Video - Erste Schritte mit Neve 🛠 Installieren & Konfigurieren des Neve Pro Addons Neve Pro (Addon) ist ein Plugin, die

  • Creating the perfect email receipt

    Email receipts are an indispensible part of any online transaction today. If you run an online business, you have to send a record of the transaction to your customers after every sale. Is sending a

  • In Feedzy how do I...

    Here are some of the hooks you can use with the Feedzy plugin. Note that some of these customizations may require you to have the premium version of the plugin. To see the list of hooks and filters