Blog Booster Module Documentation
📝 Note: The Blog Booster module is part of Neve Pro which you can get from here. If you would like to learn more about the Neve Pro Addon, take a look at Neve Pro Addon's full documentation.
The options presented in this guide are related to the following panels:
Activating the module |
Using the Module |
🖲Activating the Module
Just Install the Neve PRO Addon using these instructions and you will have access to its options.
🧰Using the Module
Neve comes with a wide palette of options for the blog/archive pages, which can be found in Appearance > Customize > Blog >Blog / Archive.
📝 Note: Here is a useful article about how to edit the blog page.
Blog Layout |
Ordering and Content |
Post Meta |
Read More |
Featured Post |
Blog Layout
List - displays the posts below each other, for which you can configure the list spacing, image position (left/no image/right), content padding, and image width.
Apart from the basic options, there are some other outstanding ones:
- Image style - hover effects for the post images (zoom, next image, etc.).
- Alternating layout - arranges the images alternatively.
- Add Separator between posts - add a line between the articles. When enabled, this option reveals two other options: Separator Weight and Separator Color.
- Enable Card Style - display the posts as cards which will add a background to the image and text.
- You can configure card color, text color and add a card box shadow.
Covers - places the whole content above the post's featured image. The options that you can use for this layout are: adjusting the number of columns, controlling the blank space (grid spacing), configuring the minimum height of the cards, adjusting the border-radius and content padding, or changing the overlay and text colors.
Similar to the list options, the Covers layout also brings in important features:
- Image style - offers a list with hover effects for the images, like zoom, blur, fade in or out, etc.
- Disable title
- Enable masonry
- Show content only on hover - when hovered with the mouse, displays the content of the article.
- Enable Card Style - display the posts as cards which will add a background to the image and text. You can also configure the card box shadow.
Grid - displays featured images and corresponding content below. It offers similar customizations to the above layouts: number of columns, control grid spacing, adjust border radius, insert content padding.
The other available options are:
- Image Style
- Disable Title
- Add separator between posts
- Enable Masonry
- Enable Card Style - as well as card background color and card box shadow.
- Text Color
Featured Post
This accordion contains the option to Enable featured post section, which will highlight certain posts according to your configurations. Once enabled, it will give you access to the following options:
- Featured Post - here, you can choose to display the latest post or sticky post.
- Image Position
- Content Alignment
- Background Color
- Content Padding
- Post height
📝 Note: If you need to know how to make a post sticky, check this doc.
Ordering and content
Ordering and content accordion contains settings for the posts listed appearance:
- Order posts by - Date posted descending / Date posted ascending / Date updated.
- Post Pagination - Number/ Infinite Scroll/ Number & Search field.
- Post Content Order - change the visibility of the post elements (thumbnail, title & meta, excerpt) using the 👁 button, or change their order by drag-and-dropping them.
- Content Alignment
- Excerpt Length - trim the content of the summary to a certain number of words.
- Thumbnail Shadow
Post Meta
The Post Meta accordion contains the meta fields available for the posts, such as Author, Date, Comments, Estimated read, and Category.
Apart from the available items, you can add your own items using the Add Item button.
- You can control the visibility of the meta fields by clicking the 👁️ button.
- The Reorder button allows you to rearrange the meta fields displayed.
- Separator - insert the special character that will divide the meta fields.
- Show Author Avatar - adds next to the author's name the avatar. The Avatar Size helps you to set the perfect dimension for the avatar.
- Use last updated date instead of the published one
📝 Note: Here is a useful doc about how to hide Blog meta in Neve.
Read More
The default Read More text available in Neve can be further customized in Neve Pro:
- Text - gives the user the chance to introduce the desired displayed text of the "Read More" option. If it is left empty, it will not display anything.
- Style - establishes the style of the option. It can be displayed as text or as a button, with two options: Primary / Secondary button.