What is the Difference between Visualizer Free and Visualizer PRO?

Which product version is right for me, Free or PRO?


Charts Library

Visualizer Free and PRO come with a set of beautifully designed charts that can be customized. There are 4 available charts for the free version of Visualizer and 11 more for the PRO version of Visualizer.

Chart Type Visualizer Visualizer Pro
Table Chart
Organizes information according to the rows and columns.

Yes Yes
Pie / Donut Chart
Shows the relational proportions between data.
Yes Yes (with ChartJS)
Line Chart
It is very useful to determine how statistics vary from month to month.
Yes Yes (with ChartJS)
Area Chart
Displays tips when hovering over points.
- Yes
Geo Chart
Represents a map of a country / continent / region.
- Yes
Bar Chart
Used to show the comparison of multiple data sets side by side.
Yes Yes (with ChartJS)
Column Chart
Displays tooltips when the user hovers over the data.
- Yes (with ChartJS)
Bubble Chart
Used to display three dimensions of data at the same time.
- Yes
Scatter Chart
Contains a line chart with the x-axis changed to a linear axis.
- Yes
Gauge Chart
It is represented by a gauge with a dial.

- Yes
Candlestick Chart
Used to show an opening and closing value overlaid on top of the total variance.
- Yes
Timeline Chart
Depicts how a set of resources are used over time.
- Yes
Combo Chart
It Lets the user render each series as a different marker type.

- Yes
Polar Area Chart
Used for the comparison data, showing a scale of values for context.

- Yes (with ChartJS)
Radar / Spider Chart
Shows multiple data points and the variation between them.

- Yes (with ChartJS)

Available Data Sources of Charts

One of the most important features of the Visualizer plugin is that it can be a time-saver due to the import function. 

The  periodical sync is an essential feature of the PRO version due to its accessibility. Having some source used to update charts or database queries can just be imported (no other process) through this periodical sync that does it for you.

Below is a table with the import possibilities and the plans that include them:

Type Free Personal Plus
Manual Data
Yes  Text/Simple/Excel 
Import from a locally uploaded .csv file
Import from an online resource - URL (.csv file)
 One-time/10 minutes/Each hour/12 hours/day/3 days
 One-time/10 minutes/Each hour/12 hours/day/3 days
Import from WooCommerce Reports
Import from an online resource - URL (JSON file)
 One-time/10 minutes/Each hour/12 hours/day/3 days
 One-time/10 minutes/Each hour/12 hours/day/3 days
Import from other charts (previously created )
Import from WordPress 
 One-time/10 minutes/Each hour/12 hours/day/3 days
Import from database
 One-time/10 minutes/Each hour/12 hours/day/3 days



You have total control over the charts, including the permissions, but only in this plugin's Plus and Infinite plans.

Below is a table with the import possibilities and the plans that include them:

Type Free Personal Plus
Who can see this chart?
Who can edit this chart?


Frontend Editor 

A frontend editor is an option of Visualizer PRO, easily accessible to your website visitors through the Edit button that appears near the charts.

When the Edit button is clicked, it opens a new window for customizations, similar to an Excel spreadsheet.


Chart Data Filter Configuration

The data filter configuration is a  Visualizer PRO option that allows you to create interactive charts for your visitors by adding filters.

📝 Note: Read more about this feature from the dedicated article.


Translate Charts' Data

The  Visualizer PRO version allows you to create more accessible charts through the translation options.

📝 Note: Read more about this feature from the dedicated article.


Frontend Actions 

The Frontend Actions increase your users' engagement by allowing them to do certain things with the charts from the frontend, from both Free and PRO versions.

Action / Type Free Pro
Enables printing the data.

Enables downloading the data as a CSV file.
Yes Yes
Enables downloading the data as an Excel spreadsheet.
Yes Yes
Enables copying the data to the clipboard.
Download Image
Enable downloading the chart as an image.

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