The Divider Component - Neve Header / Footer Builder (PRO)

For more details check out the full Neve documentation and Neve PRO documentation.

📝Note: This component is part of Neve PRO.

The Divider component is a pipe that separates fields into the header / footer builder.

🧰Using the Component

Start by adding the component into the rows, by clicking on the ➕ button and selecting the component.

Open the component's  settings to customize it, by clicking on the ⚙️icon.

📝 Note: This component is available in two instances: Divider and Divider 1.

🔮Customizing the Component

There are two panels with customizing options for this component, which allow you to create the desired header / footer:


⚙️General Panel

When you click on the ⚙️ icon, the General tab will appear on the left side

There are four settings available in this area:


This option allows the user to  choose a style for the divider, the following options are available: Solid, Dotted, Dashed, Doubled.


This option allows you to make the divider more obvious as per your choice. Since the divider is a vertical line, this property refers to the horizontal thickness. Please note this is a responsive control meaning it allows different values for Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile.


This option allows you to make the divider taller as per your choice. Since the divider is a vertical line, this property refers to its length. Please note this is a responsive control meaning it allows different values for Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile.


Set the divider color. This control also allows you to use one of the global colors of Neve.

Divider Custom Color

Divider Global Color

 📐Layout Panel

In the Layout tab, you also have access to advanced positioning options like:

  • Padding and Margin - available in PX, EM, REM, and %, with a link button that helps establish the same dimension for all the directions  ( Desktop | Tablet | Mobile ).

🗂Useful Resources

🎥 Video - how to create a PRO Custom Header

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