The Wish List Component - Neve Header / Footer Builder (PRO)

📝Note: This component is part of the Neve Header / Footer Builder.

A wishlist allows users to create a personalized collection of products they want to buy in the future and save them in their user account for future reference. The Header Wish List adds a direct link to the wish list page, where all saved products can be seen.

The Wish List component is accessible only if you have installed and activated the WooCommerce plugin.

🧰Using the Component

Start by adding the component into the rows, by clicking on the ➕ button and selecting the component.

Open the component's  settings to customize it, by clicking on the ⚙️icon.

📝 Note: To have the component working, navigate to Settings > Sparks > Product Wishlist, and pick one of the available options for the wish list ( top / bottom ).

🔮Customizing the Component

There are two panels with customizing options for this component, which allow you to create the desired header / footer:


 📐Layout Panel

The layout options allow the following adjustments:

  • Padding and Margin - available in PX, EM, REM, and %, with a link button that helps establish the same dimension for all the directions  ( Desktop | Tablet | Mobile ).

🖌 Style Panel

The Wish List component can be styled through the following options:

  • Icon Size - modify the size of the icon or undo the changes with the reset button.
  • Color - pick a suitable color for the Wish List icon.
  • Hover Color - choose a different color for the wish list icon to appear when hovering with the mouse.

🗂Useful Resources

🎥 Video - how to create a PRO Custom Header

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