The Contact Component - Neve Header / Footer Builder (PRO)

For more details check out the full Neve documentation and Neve PRO documentation.

📝Note: This component is only available in Neve PRO.

If you wish to add your contact details (information like address, email, and phone number) to the website header, you can do so through the Contact component. 

🧰Using the Component

Start by adding the component into the rows, by clicking on the ➕ button and selecting the component.

Open the component's  settings to customize it, by clicking on the ⚙️icon.

🔮Customizing the Component

There are three panels with customizing options for this component, which allow you to create the desired header / footer:


⚙️General Panel

When you click on the ⚙️ icon, the General tab will appear on the left side. Here you can add items for which you can configure the text that appears, the icon, and also its type ( text, email, phone ).

An interesting fact is that their visibility can be changed by clicking on the 👁 icon.

 📐Layout Panel

In the Layout tab, you also have access to advanced positioning options like:

  • Padding and Margin - available in PX, EM, REM, and %, with a link button that helps establish the same dimension for all the directions  ( Desktop | Tablet | Mobile ).

🖌 Style Panel

In this area, you will find options of customization for the contact elements:

  • Icon Position - where the icons will be situated ( right / left ).
  • Items Spacing - adjust the space between the items.
  • Text / Icons Color - select from the Global Colors of Neve or pick a custom color for the text and icons ( those can be different ).
  • Typography - options to modify the font of the text.

🗂Useful Resources

🎥 Video - how to create a PRO Custom Header

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