Share Buttons Widget

📝 Note: The Share Buttons widget is part of Neve PRO's Elementor Booster module

This article will present the following aspects of the Share Buttons widget, used to boost website's popularity by adding the most important social media sites.

Adding the widget

Once the Elementor Editor has been opened, click on the ➕ button to add a new section on the page.

Add  the Share Buttons widget from the Elementor Library by clicking on the ➕ button and navigate to the Neve PRO Addon Widgets.

Customizing the widget

The Share Buttons component is easily customizable and its options cover only one area:

⚙️Social Share Buttons

In this area, you can customize the sharing icons, by completing the following fields:

  • Platform - select one of the platforms from the dropdown list.
  • Icon - show / hide the icons of the social websites.
  • Label - show / hide the label of each icon ( Share on platform name ).
  • Alignment - choose the alignment in page of the icons, from left / center / right / justify.

Styling the widget

After building the widget content, you can go ahead and customize it. Click on the Style tab to explore the options:

  • Padding - you have the possibility to modify all the values at the same time, by clicking on the 🔗 button, and adjusting the dimensions according to the desired device ( Desktop | Tablet | Mobile ).
  • Typography - with the possibility to choose from Neve's Global Fonts or add a custom one.
  • Icon Size - adjust the size of the icons.

📌Now, that the widget is almost ready, you can go on to the Advanced tab, if you want to add motion effects, advanced effects, content protection, background or make the page responsive.

After finishing all the editing, click on Publish to see your work live.

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