Translate non-dynamic strings in Neve or Hestia?

This documentation should help you translate non-dynamic strings. A non-dynamic string is a string that you can't change from the theme settings. 

This article will present an example of such situations by using the blog page of Hestia Pro:

🗂️Table of content

🔃 Translation using Poedit

Step 1

Install the Poedit plugin, using these instructions.

Step 2

Take a look at the  theme files and find the .pot file.

📝 Note: For example, in Hestia Pro, you will find it in /languages/hestia-pro.pot.

Step 3

Open the hestia-pro.pot file with Poedit.

Step 4

Now you have to generate .po and .mo files for each language that you want to translate your site. 

  • I will generate them for Romanian. 

Step 5: 

Click File > Save as and name the file with this format depending on the language code of 2 letters. 

  • For Romanian is ro_RO and for English is en_EN.
    •  You can check the WP Locale code here

📝 Note: Make sure to save the .po file in the theme files languages directory.

Step 6

Now you should have both .po and .mo files for the desired language in the theme files languages directory.

Step 7

Open the .po file for desired language using Poedit

  • In this case, it is ro_RO.po file.

Step 8:

Here you have to search for the desired string and in the bottom panel of Poedit, you can write the translation for it.

Step 9

After you wrote all the translations save the .po file.


Refresh the website and look for the chnages.

🌐 Translation using Loco Translate

Step 1

Install the Loco Translate plugin, using these instructions.

Step 2

Navigate to Dashboard > Loco Translate > Themes and select the Hestia Theme.

Step 3:

Click on the New language button, to configure it.

Step 4:

Once the new window appears, you have to choose two things:

  • Choose a language - WordPress language or custom language ( the language of the entire website ), eg. English.
  • Choose a location - the System location prevents it from being erased in case of an update.

Click on the Start Translating button.

Step 5:

Soon, the whole theme will be loaded as strings. In order to translate the " Read more" strings, in the Filter translating field, type the string and select it from the list.

Step 6:

In the textbox from the bottom of the page ( English translations ), enter the translation of the string, that you want to be displayed instead of "Read more".

  • I have entered the Romanian translation, "Citeste mai mult".


Refresh the website and check if the strings have been translated.

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