Why do we recommend a yearly membership?
The team behind Themeisle is maintaining about 10+ products for both free and paying users. On top of that, we are adding new features to them and building new themes and plugins.
This requires a dedicated team and a lot of knowledge and energy, but nothing will be possible without our paying customers. They sustain all of our efforts to build high-quality products that are easy to use.
Yearly membership versus Lifetime membership
This is why most of our premium product licenses are available for a defined time frame, depending on the package you choose.
Most of our products have a yearly license. During this period, you will receive security updates and support, quick fixes, and new features.
If you decide not to renew your subscription, you will no longer be able to update your product or use pro features to your site, and you may only have limited access to existing Pro features. Anything that is part of the free version will continue to function and you are free to continue updating this version. Here you can find more details about what happens if you decide to not renew after that one year.
A couple of our products do have a lifetime license. This is mentioned on the pricing page of the product.
So, why should you get a yearly membership?
- You care about your website (this is probably the main reason)
Being up to date with the latest updates is the best way to keep out those nasty hackers. However, it is known that WordPress core updates, plugin updates, or even theme updates tend to break websites.
This is why a PRO product will receive a quick update and
- The price of developing a website
- Without new customers, a product is deemed to die
If you like a product you should help the authors to continue the development process to offer updates and support.