Using Twilio Addon - Integrate Twilio addon to send sms with contact form

In this guide, we’ll show you step by step how to integrate Contact Form 7 forms with Twilio with just a few steps, using our advanced SMS with Twilio extension.

Twilio website Settings

First, you need to login to your twilio account from this page - and ensure that you have a phone number created to send SMS. In order to verify you have an active number you can go to Phone Numbers > Manage > Active Number.

After you have verified that you have an active phone number, you can go to the homepage,, and scroll down to find information that can be used to integrate your connection with our add-on such as Account SID and Auth Token.

Action Settings Setup

In the form’s setting, under actions tab, choose “Send SMS with Twilio” and click on the “ Add Action” button.

Fill out all fields in the actions settings. If you did not copy Account SID and Auth Token, you can view all of your account info in the Twilio console dashboard.

Click Validate Connection button and wait a few seconds.

If everything is OK, you should see three new fields. 

1- To:  The mobile number you wish to send sms to, you can add multiple mobile number by adding comas (,), please ensure that all phoe number are added with correct conutry code.

2- From: The Twilio Number you have regsistere in the first step, it will send sms to the to number

3- Message: The message that you wish to send with each contact form submission.

Congratulations! Your form is integrated with Twilio. You will be able to see all of the messages sent under your twilio console dashboard by going to Monitor > Logs > Messaging

Isn’t it amazing? you achieved all that with absolutely zero coding!

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