Intro to WP Full Members

WP Full Members is a comprehensive membership add-on designed for WP Full Pay to create membership websites.

With WP Full Members, you can create and manage content exclusively accessible to your subscribed members. It enables you to offer a range of membership options, each associated with different subscription plans you set up in Stripe.

Additionally, this add-on gives you the flexibility to send customizable registration emails to new members.

Members also have the option to upgrade or downgrade their subscription plans as needed on customer portal.

How WP Full Members works?

Sign-up flow

  1. Your to be members sign up using the WP Full Pay forms you create.
  2. WP Full Pay creates a subscription and customer in Stripe.
  3. WP Full Members does the following:
  • Makes a WordPress user.
  • Adds roles to this user.
  • Creates a member profile linking the user, Stripe customer, and subscription.
  • Sends login details to the new subscriber.

WP Full Pay shows a success message or thank you page.

Note: you can also import members, or add a member manually.

Viewing a protected content page

What happens when a visitor opens a protected content page:

  • When a visitor attempts to access a page with protected content, the plugin first verifies if they are logged into WordPress. If not, it directs them to the WordPress login page.
  • Once logged in, the visitor is taken back to the protected content.
  • The plugin then checks if the visitor has the appropriate membership level to view the content. If they lack the necessary access, they are redirected to a "You are not allowed to view" page.
  • If all conditions are met, the visitor is granted access to the content.

For making a page or page post protected, please refer to the protecting content section.

Using the customer portal

Members can take advantage of the customer portal provided by WP Full Pay to upgrade/downgrade subscriptions, cancel subscriptions, update the card used for subscriptions, and download invoices.

When a member upgrades/downgrades a subscription, the corresponding membership level is set for the member automatically.

The customer portal must be used in WordPress authentication mode.

Refer to the how to create a customer portal page for instructions on setting up a customer portal page.

Revoking access to content

When a member cancels a subscription then her membership is revoked automatically. Similarly, when a member’s payment fails then - after a predefined amount of retries - the membership is revoked automatically as well.

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