How to manage members?
You can access 'Members' page by navigating to WP Full Pay → Members page on your WordPress admin:
On this page, you can:
- Filter members by email address, subscription status, and API mode (test or live).
- Edit a member by clicking on the email address of the member.
- Add a new member manually by pressing the ‘Add member’ button.
- Import subscribers from Stripe by clicking on the ‘Import subscribers from Stripe’ link.
- Remove a member by pressing the trashcan button next to the member.
Edit a member
You can edit a member by clicking on the email address of the member on the WP Full Pay → Members page, it opens the ‘Edit member’ page:
You can change the member by entering a new Stripe customer id and/or a new Stripe subscription id.
Please note:
- The subscription must be a subscription of the customer.
- When the changes are saved, the plugin recalculates the membership level based on the newly provided subscription.
Add a new member
You can add a new member manually by pressing the ‘Add member’ button on the WP Full Pay → Members page in WP admin, and the following page appears:
You can add a member by entering an email address, a Stripe customer id, and a new Stripe subscription id.
Please note:
- The email address entered and the email address of the Stripe customer must match.
- The subscription must be a subscription of the customer.
- When the changes are saved, the plugin calculates the membership level based on the provided subscription.
Import subscribers from Stripe
You can add members in bulk by importing subscribers from Stripe.
For importing a subscriber successfully, the following conditions must be met:
- The email address of the Stripe customer must be set.
- The Stripe customer must have at least one subscription whose plan is mapped to a membership role in the settings.
You can import subscribers from Stripe by clicking on the ‘Import subscribers from Stripe’ button on the WP Full Pay → Members page in WP admin, and the following page appears:
Press the ‘Import subscribers’ button, and after having processed the data in Stripe, the plugin displays how many subscribers (member candidates) are found:
Press the ‘Import subscribers’ button to proceed. Importing the subscribers takes as while, and then the following summary is displayed:
Please note:
- If a subscriber has more than one matching subscription plan then the subscriber can be imported by choosing the membership role that should be used.
- The number of successfully imported subscribers doesn’t mean that all those subscribers resulted in newly imported members. Some members may (partially) exist, so this is the number of subscribers that must have member records after the import.
- This is what the plugin does during the import process:
Verifies whether a Wordpress users exists with the subscriber’s email address.
1a) In case a Wordpress user already exits then it’s used for the member, go to step 3)
- Creates a new Wordpress user.
- Adds the membership role to the Wordpress user (for example, Gold).
- Inserts/updates a member record in the Wordpress database.
Remove a member
A member can be removed by clicking on the trashcan icon next to the member:
Removing a member removes the membership role from the Wordpress user, and deletes the member record from the database.
IMPORTANT: Removing a member doesn’t delete the Wordpress user, and doesn’t change the Stripe customer and the Stripe subscription.