Using Conditional Logic Redirect for Contact Form 7

Conditional Logic Redirect for Contact Form 7 is one of the most prominent features in Redirection for Contact Form 7. Webmasters often find themselves in need of performing a specific action after the form has been submitted – it can be a simple redirection to a thank you page, emailing to an address of their choice, 3rd party integration, payment requests and much more.

With our plugin you can easily perform all these actions. However, imagine a scenario where you need to perform a specific action according to the user’s input in the form. With the Conditional Logic Redirect, this will be a walk in the park, no coding knowledge needed.

Case Study

Let’s examine the following case study – performing a specific action according to a dropdown value.

Our form contains four fields: name, subject, email and message. We will perform an action according to the subject value. The subject field type is a dropdown with three options: General, Job Application and Support.

  • If the user chooses “Support” – he will be redirected to the support page.
  • If the user chooses “Job Application” – a thank you popup will appear, using Thank You Popup extension.
  • If the user chooses “General” – then no action will be performed.

Redirect to the support page after submission

  1. In the form’s setting, under actions tab, choose “Redirect” and click on the “Add Action” button.
  2. Check the Conditional Logic checkbox and set the following conditioning:

1st step completed!

Open thank you popup after submission

If you wish to open a popup after the form has been submitted, check out Thank You Popup extension. If you have already have it, it’s simple as that:

  1. In the form’s setting, under actions tab, choose “Popup” and click on the “Add Action” button.

  2. Check the Conditional Logic checkbox and set the following conditioning:

2nd step completed! We know what you’re thinking: piece of cake! right?

For more information about Thank You Popup extension settings, have a look at this tutorial.


These are the basic actions for Conditional Logic Redirect for Contact Form 7. You can easily add Conditional Logic Redirect to all other actions/extensions.

Additionally, the plugin allows adding numerous conditions per action, and supports OR\AND relations. Also the extension supports a wide range of comparisons types: equal\non equal\contains\not contains\less than\greater than\is empty\is not empty.

Comparison support

Conditional Logic Redirect is the ultimate add-on for Contact Form 7, and along with our diverse extensions, it makes Contact Form 7 the most flexible form plugin for WordPress.

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