Using Conditional Logic Redirect for Contact Form 7
Conditional Logic Redirect for Contact Form 7 is one of the most prominent features in Redirection for Contact Form 7. Webmasters often find themselves in need of performing a specific action after the form has been submitted – it can be a simple redirection to a thank you page, emailing to an address of their choice, 3rd party integration, payment requests and much more.
With our plugin you can easily perform all these actions. However, imagine a scenario where you need to perform a specific action according to the user’s input in the form. With the Conditional Logic Redirect, this will be a walk in the park, no coding knowledge needed.
Case Study
Let’s examine the following case study – performing a specific action according to a dropdown value.
Our form contains four fields: name, subject, email and message. We will perform an action according to the subject value. The subject field type is a dropdown with three options: General, Job Application and Support.
- If the user chooses “Support” – he will be redirected to the support page.
- If the user chooses “Job Application” – a thank you popup will appear, using Thank You Popup extension.
- If the user chooses “General” – then no action will be performed.
Redirect to the support page after submission
- In the form’s setting, under actions tab, choose “Redirect” and click on the “Add Action” button.
- Check the Conditional Logic checkbox and set the following conditioning:
1st step completed!
Open thank you popup after submission
If you wish to open a popup after the form has been submitted, check out Thank You Popup extension. If you have already have it, it’s simple as that:
- In the form’s setting, under actions tab, choose “Popup” and click on the “Add Action” button.
- Check the Conditional Logic checkbox and set the following conditioning:

2nd step completed! We know what you’re thinking: piece of cake! right?
For more information about Thank You Popup extension settings, have a look at this tutorial.
These are the basic actions for Conditional Logic Redirect for Contact Form 7. You can easily add Conditional Logic Redirect to all other actions/extensions.
Additionally, the plugin allows adding numerous conditions per action, and supports OR\AND relations. Also the extension supports a wide range of comparisons types: equal\non equal\contains\not contains\less than\greater than\is empty\is not empty.
AND\OR relationships
Comparison support
Conditional Logic Redirect is the ultimate add-on for Contact Form 7, and along with our diverse extensions, it makes Contact Form 7 the most flexible form plugin for WordPress.