How to translate a theme with Poedit (when you don't need multi-lingual)

To translate strings for any theme using Poedit, follow these universal steps:

  1. Download and install Poedit from the Poedit website.
  2. Connect to your website using FTP and navigate to the theme's folder, typically found at wp-content > themes > your-theme-name > languages.
  3. Look for the .pot file, which is the template for all translations.
  4. Copy this .pot file and rename it to match your language and country code, for example, theme-name-lang_COUNTRY.po (e.g., for Romanian, it would be theme-name-ro_RO.po).
  5. Download the renamed .po file to your computer.
  6. Open the .po file with Poedit, translate the necessary strings, and save your changes. Saving will also create a .mo file automatically.
  7. Upload both the .po and .mo files back to the languages folder of your theme on your server.

These steps can be applied to any WordPress theme to facilitate easy and efficient string translation.

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