How to create a custom 404 page in Neve Pro

Using Neve Pro's Custom Layouts module you can easily create custom headers, footers, 404 pages, or hooks in specific areas. In this doc, we'll focus on the 404 ( not found ) pages and how you can create your own custom page.

In this article you will find the following topics:

🧰 Creating the 404 Page

Create a new Custom Layout by navigating to Appearance > Custom Layouts > Add new.

Give a name to your Custom Layout. In this example, we've named it 'My custom 404 page'.
Attach the Custom Layout to the 404 page like in the image below and click on Publish.

This is the part of actually creating the new 404 page. For that, you can use the WordPress editor or a page builder, which would give you more customization options. 

For this example, we're using the Elementor page builder to create the page.

Enjoy your new 404 page.

📝 Note: Want to read more about Neve Pro? Check out the full documentation.

🗂 Useful Resources

  • 🎥 Video - How to create a custom 404 page using Custom Layouts?
  • 🎥 Video - How to create a custom 404 page using Custom Layouts and Lottie Animations ( Otter Blocks )?
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