Adding logo / image into charts

This guide is made for the purpose of teaching one to insert a logo or an image into the charts created with Visualizer. Also, make sure you're using the latest version of the plugin available. Please follow the steps below:

Before doing anything else, we strongly recommend backing up your files first.
Once the backup is complete, please navigate to ->  wp-content/plugins/visualizer/js and you should see a file called  customization.js. Copy the customization.js file and paste it inside ->  wp-content/uploads/visualizer/. If the visualizer folder does not exist, you would need to create it first.
Paste the code below inside the customization.js file:
    jQuery('.visualizer-front').prepend(jQuery('<div class="vim" style="position: absolute;width: 100px;height: 100px;bottom: 0;right: 0;z-index:1"><img src="URL to your image"></div>')).css('position','relative');
    }, 1000);

You may replace the link inside <img src="your_logo_URL"> with the path or link of your desired logo.

Save the changes and reload the page. That's all!

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