Zelle - Set the Home Page

Zelle Pro

Watch a video about setting the front and blog pages.

Navigate from your Dashboard to Appearance->Customize->Homepage Settings and choose 'Your latest posts' option. The front page with the sections should appear as in our demo.

In order to set a Blog page, please navigate to Dashboard->Pages and click edit on a blank page. In the right side, there is an option to select the page template. Choose Blog template or Blog with large images

Zelle Lite

Navigate from your Dashboard to Appearance->Customize->Homepage Settings and choose 'A static page' option.

The first drop-down menu is for choosing the front page. You can choose any page here, the front page with the sections should appear as in our  demo. ( If some sections are missing please make sure that you have Orbit Fox Companion plugin installed.)

The second drop-down menu allows you to choose the Blog page. 

Both pages will be flagged in Dashboard->Pages.

Note: If you are using an older version of WordPress than 4.9, the settings will be on Appearance->Customize->Static front page. You can check the WordPress version in the bottom right corner of your Dashboard.

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