Manual Configuration
The Visualizer plugin allows you to add a manual configuration to the charts.
- 1
Navigate to the Visualizer > Chart Library.
- 2
Open one of the existing charts or create a new one.
- 3
Switch to Settings > Manual Configuration.
- 4
Paste the desired code snippets from below according to the type of chart that you use.
Google Charts |
ChartJS |
Google Charts
Create dual Y-axis
Supported charts: Area, Bar, Column, Combo, Line
- The below code will convert the first and second series into Y axis.
{ "vAxes": { "0": {"title": "Temps (Celsius)"}, "1": {"title": "Daylight"} }, "series": { "0": {"targetAxisIndex": "0"}, "1": {"targetAxisIndex": "1"} } }
- The below code will convert the first and second series into Y axis and customize the ticks on each axis.
{ "vAxes": { "0": {"title": "Temps (Celsius)", "ticks": [1500000, 2000000]}, "1": {"title": "Daylight","ticks": [15000, 2000]} }, "series": { "0": {"targetAxisIndex": "0"}, "1": {"targetAxisIndex": "1"} } }
Customize Axis
Supported charts: All except Pie, Gauge, and Table.
- The below code will change the angle of the text to 90 degrees. Make it 0 if the text needs to be horizontal.
{ "hAxis": { "slantedTextAngle": 90 } }
- The below code will change the ticks of the X-axis.
{ "hAxis": { "ticks": [10,20,30,90] } }
- The below code will change the maximum and minimum value of the Y axis without changing the data.
{ "vAxis": { "maxValue": 20, "minValue":-1 } }
Customize Pie Charts
Supported charts: Pie
- The below code will change how the "Other" slice works. In the default pie chart that the plugin creates, we will combine all slices that have a value of 16% and below into one slice.
{ "sliceVisibilityThreshold": 0.16 }
- Change the size of the pie hole in a donut chart and the text color so that the values are visible.
{ "pieHole": 0.9, "pieSliceTextStyle":{ "color":"red" } }
Customize Gauge Charts
Supported charts: Gauge
- Change major ticks in the gauges. Provide as many strings as the number of ticks required.
{ "majorTicks": ["tick one","tick two","tick three"] }
Customize Text/Font
Supported charts: All except Gauge and Table.
- Change font family and font size for all text.
{ "fontName": "Verdana", "fontSize": 10 }
Customize Tooltip
Supported charts: All except Gauge and Table.
- Enable HTML tooltips so that you can style them.
{ "tooltip": { "isHtml":"true" } }
Add this code to the theme CSS file. { /* style the tooltip here */ }
Customize Stacked Charts
Supported charts: Bar, Column.
- 100% stacked
{ "isStacked": "percent" }
- 100% stacked, fractional
{ "isStacked": "relative" }
When creating a Combo chart, the number format field is only available in the Horizontal axis settings but not in the Vertical axis settings.
This code will help users to set up a manual configuration so the number format field will also be available in the Vertical axis settings.
{ "vAxis": { "format": "#%" } }
Save the changes and see if the number format is now available in the Vertical axis settings.
Change the baseline value from 0 to something else in the Combo chart
{"vAxis": { "baseline": 40 }}Remove the shaded area(area opacity) in the combo chart
{"areaOpacity": 0}You can specify the chart type and color of each series for the combo chart
{ "series": { "0": {"targetAxisIndex": 0, "type": "bars", "color": "#1f77b4"}, "1": {"targetAxisIndex": 0, "type": "bars", "color": "#ff7f0e"}, "2": {"targetAxisIndex": 1, "type": "line", "color": "#2ca02c"} } }
Customize Pie Charts
Supported charts: Pie / Donut
- Go from Pie to Donut chart:
{ "cutoutPercentage": 50 }
This will add a Donut Hole in the center of your Pie chart, turning it into a Donut. The value 50 is the percentage of the whole Pie chart, which will be transformed into a hole. You can customize that value according to your preferences.
- Set the rotation value
The rotation for a ChartJS Pie chart is defined as the angle from which the arcs will start showing.
{ "rotation": 45 }
The difference can be observed from the arcs positioning.
- Customize the Pie / Donut circumference:
{ "circumference": 6 }
This value is automatically multiplied by PI. If the value is too low, the chart will not be able to form a complete circle. If the value is too high, the chart will spin until it matches the circumference you set through this code. Here is an example of such extreme cases:
All the snippets from above can, of course, be combined and used on the same Pie Chart at once:
{ "cutoutPercentage": 50, "rotation": 45, "circumference": 6 }
Customize Line Charts
Supported charts: Line
- Disable / Hide the Lines that connect the dots:
{ "showLines": false }
The default value here is true. By changing it to false, the lines will disappear, but the ticks (dots) will remain in place.
- Interrupt the lines if the data for a certain value is missing:
{ "spanGaps": true }
The default value here is false.
Disable the animations to improve website performance & speed
Supported charts: ALL
Chart animations, if they last long enough, might affect your page loading time and performance. If your charts have long render times, it is a good idea to disable animations. This will have the effect of reducing CPU usage and improving general page performance.
To disable animations, use this:
{ "animation": false }