How to use categories featured images as header image in Hestia

As WordPress doesn't offer by default a featured image option for the categories, for the main header image on the categories pages, Hestia uses the Header image ( Appearance > Customize > Header Options > Header image ) or, if that image is not set, a gradient color ( Appearance > Customize > Colors > Accent Color ).

If you want to change this behavior and have a featured image for each category page, you can follow this tutorial.

⏪ Before

Install and activate Categories Images plugin.
Add featured images for each category following the plugin's documentation.
Create a child theme using this document .
And last but not least, add this code in your child themes functions.php file :
add_filter( 'hestia_header_wrapper_background_filter','your_child_theme_header_wrapper' );

function your_child_theme_header_wrapper( $args ) {

	if( is_category() ) {
		if ( function_exists('z_taxonomy_image_url') ) {
			$z_taxonomy_image_url = z_taxonomy_image_url();
			if ( ! empty($z_taxonomy_image_url) ) {
				return '<div data-parallax="active" class="header-filter" style="background-image: url(' . $z_taxonomy_image_url . ');" ></div>';
	return $args;

⏩ After

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