How to customize read more links in Hestia
Classic Blog layout scenario
In order to change the Read more... link text, first, you need to create a child theme. Please check this guide on how to create a child theme for Hestia (Pro).
There are also ready-made child themes available to download for both versions of the theme.
Add the following code at the end of the functions.php file within the child theme.
function hestia_excerpt_more_new( $more ) { global $post; if ( ( ( 'page' === get_option( 'show_on_front' ) ) ) || is_single() || is_archive() || is_home() ) { return '<a class="moretag" href="' . esc_url( get_permalink( $post->ID ) ) . '"> ' . esc_html__( 'Continue Reading...', 'hestia-pro' ) . '</a>'; } return $more; } add_filter( 'excerpt_more', 'hestia_excerpt_more_new', 20 );
Grid layout scenario
Customize buttons' text
In order to change the READ MORE buttons text, first, you need to create a child theme. Please check this guide on how to create a child theme for Hestia (Pro).
There are also ready-made child themes available to download for both versions of the theme.
Add the following code snippets at the end of the functions.php file within the child theme.
function change_read_more_button_featured_posts() { return "CHANGE TEXT HERE 1"; } add_filter( 'hestia_features_blog_posts_button_text', 'change_read_more_button_featured_posts', 25 );
function change_read_more_button_grid_layout() { return "CHANGE TEXT HERE 2"; } add_filter( 'hestia_blog_posts_button_text', 'change_read_more_button_grid_layout', 25 );
Customize buttons' color
Add the following code in Dashboard->Appearance->Customize->Additional CSS.
.blog .btn.colored-button { background-color: #abcabc !important; }
HEX codes for colors can be found on this page.
Hiding the buttons
Add the following code in Dashboard->Appearance->Customize->Additional CSS.
.blog .btn.colored-button { display:none; }