How to add a second button to ribbon section in Zelle

Zelle Pro comes with two ribbon sections, one with a button on the bottom and one on right. This guide will show you how you can add the a second button to the bottom button ribbon section. First make sure that you are using a child theme.

Copy your /sections/ribbon_with_bottom_button.php to your child theme, and find the following part of the code:

if(isset($zerif_accessibility) && $zerif_accessibility == 1) {
	echo '<button class="btn btn-primary custom-button green-btn" onclick="window.location=\''.esc_url($zerif_bottomribbon_buttonlink).'\';"><span class="screen-reader-text">'.wp_kses_post($zerif_bottomribbon_buttonlabel).'</span>'.wp_kses_post($zerif_bottomribbon_buttonlabel).'</button>';
} else {
	echo '<a href="'.esc_url($zerif_bottomribbon_buttonlink).'" class="btn btn-primary custom-button green-btn">'.wp_kses_post($zerif_bottomribbon_buttonlabel).'</a>';

Then add the following code just below:

if(isset($zerif_accessibility) && $zerif_accessibility == 1) {
	echo '<button class="btn btn-primary custom-button green-btn" onclick="window.location=\' \'"><span class="screen-reader-text">Button Label</span>Button Label</button>';
} else {
	echo '<a href="" class="btn btn-primary custom-button green-btn">Button Label</a>';

Just replace the link to and Button Label in the above code, and save it. That's all. Remember that this button won't appear in the Customizer.

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