How to install WP Full Members?

WP Full Members is a membership add-on for WP Full Pay that allows you to create a membership site and protect content that only subscribed members are allowed to access.

Multiple membership tiers are available so you can offer different levels of membership, each one tied to a different subscription plan. Members can use the Customer portal page that allows them to update credit card details, change their subscription plan, cancel their subscription, and download invoices.

This article explains how you can install and troubleshoot it.

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Once the add-on is purchased, you can install it by clicking on the “Install now” button of the add-on on the “WP Full Pay → Add-ons” page:

You can purchase an add-on on CodeCanyon simply by adding it to your cart

Customizing the plugin with filters

WP Full Members provides some WordPress filters that can be used to extend its functonality.

The following sections describe these filters, and contain links to the reference documentation.

Modifying the member registration email

When a new member is created via a subscription form, the plugin sends a registration email with the login credentials of the new member.

You can modify the contents of this email by implementing the following filters:

In both cases, the template identifier to look for is ‘registrationSuccessful’.


Making the plugin work with caching plugins

The plugin performs checking permissions for protected content on the server side, which requires running the plugin code for each page request.

Cached content is served directly from the cache, circumventing the server-side checks that ensure that the right content is displayed to the right visitors.

IMPORTANT: Please exclude all protected content from caching.

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