Using Salesforce Integration – Integrate Contact Form 7 to Salesforces

In this guide, we’ll show you step by step how to integrate Contact Form 7 forms with Salesforce with just a few steps, using our advanced Salesforce Integration extension.

Salesforce App Settings

First, we need to create a Salesforce app. If you are using Salesforce Classic dashboard, switch to Lightning Experience

Go to Apps > Apps Manager > New Connected Apps

In the New Connected App screen, fill all required fields, and check Enable OAuth Settings. Under Callback URL, enter your website url. Under Selected OAuth Scopes add “Full access“. Make sure Request Secret for Web Server Flow is checked and click on the Save button. click on the Continue button in the following screen

In the next screen, copy Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. We will use it later in the Action Settings.

Next, choose Manage Connected Apps and click on the app name we’ve just created.

In the next screen, click Edit Policies. Under Permitted Users select All users may self-authorize. Under IP Relaxation select Relax IP restrictions“. Click Save.

Now you’re all done with Salesforce configurations!

Action Settings Setup

In the form’s setting, under actions tab, choose “ Salesforce Integration” and click on the “Add Action” button.

Fill out all fields in the actions settings. If you did not copy Consumer Key and Consumer secret, you can view all of your app’s info in the Salesforce dashboard under Apps > Apps Manager.

Username and password are your Salesforce login Credentials.

Click Validate Connection button and wait a few seconds.

If everything is OK, you should see available objects under Objects to Update dropdown. For this example, we will use Contact and map all of the fields to send to Salesforce.

Congratulations! Your form is integrated with Salesforce! You will be able to see all of the form submissions under Contacts in the Salesforce dashboard.

Isn’t it amazing? you achieved all that with absolutely zero coding!

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