Components in Neve's Custom Layouts

📝 Note: This is part of the Custom Layouts Module, which is available for the Neve Pro plans.

The Custom Layouts module can be used to replace the current header or footer, to create individual layouts, inside content announcements, or sidebar news.


Individual - such layouts can be displayed inside the header / footer builder as a component, using an Elementor widget specific for this editor, or using a shortcode ( check the example below ). 

  • Choose Individual in the layout settings, build the custom layout, then copy the available shortcode.

  • Paste it into a shortcode block / widget with the desired editor and page.

Header - by choosing this location, the theme header will be replaced with the current layout.

Footer - by choosing this location, the theme footer will be replaced with the current layout.

Inside Content

Inside content - this type of layout can be inserted into the page's content, and it can appear after a certain number of blocks of the same type. For example, a subscribe section can be rendered after N blocks, or after N heading blocks.

📝 Note: For the case of the blocks, please note that only main level blocks are counted. This means blocks that contain other blocks in their structure, like the Columns one from WordPress, or the Section block of the Otter plugin, and other blocks similar to those two.

For the case of the headings, it counts any heading from H1 to H6, including the post title, an example below.

Sidebar - this custom layout location allows you to interact with the Neve's sidebars. 

There are three actions available for this custom layout:

  • replace - will replace the content of the sidebar with the one created here.

  • append - will add the content at the end of the current content of the sidebar.

  • prepend - will add the content at the beginning of the current content of the sidebar.

These sidebars are available for the blog, WooCommerce, and also for LifterLMS pages. If you have installed and activated one of the two plugins ( WooCommerce or LifterLMS ), you will be able to select where the sidebar should be displayed:

📝 Note: If none of the plugins is installed, you will not be able to see the dropdown.

For the WooCommerce sidebar, make sure you enable it from  Customizer > Layout > Content / Sidebar > Shop / Archive:

📝 Note: If you have two or more sidebar custom layouts with the same action, they will be displayed according to the priority you insert for each one.

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