Change how fast the Neve mobile menu opens/closes

A CSS transition is defined on the Neve mobile menu sidebar and is visible when opening/closing it.

If you want to change the time/speed of this transition, just add the following code into the Additional CSS editor within the Customizer.

/* opening the menu */
.menu_sidebar_slide_left .header-menu-sidebar {
    transform: translate3d(-100%,0,0);
    transition: transform .5s cubic-bezier(.79,.14,.15,.86);

/* closing the menu */
.hiding-header-menu-sidebar.menu_sidebar_slide_left .header-menu-sidebar {
    transform: translateX(-100%);
    transition: transform .9s cubic-bezier(.79,.14,.15,.86);

Just the .9 and .5 value should be changed in the following statements, you can try values like .1 .5 or .9, 

transition: transform .5s cubic-bezier(.79,.14,.15,.86);


transition: transform .9s cubic-bezier(.79,.14,.15,.86);
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