How to change image size in Neve

The images you uploaded might not look as expected on the following pages: Blog, Shop, Single Product.

This can be due to the image size declared in the theme for those pages. It is possible to set your own image size, by following the steps below.


Create a child theme

Download a ready-made child theme for Neve - link here, and install it as a new theme.

📝 Note: More details about child themes are available in this guide.


Change the default image size

Add the appropriate code snippet at the end of the functions.php file of the child theme.

Blog page

function change_blog_image_size() {
	remove_image_size( 'neve-blog' );
	add_image_size( 'neve-blog', 420, 220, true );
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'change_blog_image_size', 100 );

⏪ Before

⏩ After

The value of 420 is the image width in pixels and the value of 220 is the image height in pixels.

Shop & Product pages

function neve_change_product_thumbnail_size() {

	$woocommerce_settings = array(
		'single_image_width'            => 600,
		'thumbnail_image_width'         => 230,
		'gallery_thumbnail_image_width' => 160,
		'product_grid'                  => array(
			'default_columns' => 3,
			'default_rows'    => 4,
			'min_columns'     => 1,
			'max_columns'     => 6,
			'min_rows'        => 1,

	return $woocommerce_settings;
add_filter( 'neves_woocommerce_args', 'neve_change_product_thumbnail_size' );

⏩ After

The value of 230 is the height of the product's thumbnails on the blog page, and the one of 600px is the max-width of the featured image within the product page.


Regenerate the thumbnails

After setting the desired size, you need to regenerate the thumbnails by using a plugin like this one.

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