How to Replace Skills Percentages with Images in Zelle

If you want to replace the percentages skills with an image you can follow the instructions from this document.

1. The first step is to make sure that you are using a  child theme.

2. Create a folder named  sections inside your child theme. 

3. Now visit your parent theme folder, and copy  about_us.php file from the /sections/ folder to the /sections/ folder of your child theme.

4. Open the  about_us.php file of your child theme, and find the following code:

'<div class="skill-count">'

And remove the line below:

echo '<input role="presentation" ' . ( ! empty( $zerif_aboutus_feature2_title ) ? 'id="zerif-about-feature-' . sanitize_title( $zerif_aboutus_feature2_title ) . '"' : '' ) . ' type="text" value="' . absint( $zerif_aboutus_feature2_nr ) . '" data-thickness=".2" class="skill2">';

and replace it with:

echo '<img src="" alt="pichaku" />';

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