Neve Shop Compatibility with Elementor Pro

📝 Note: This scenario is applied for shop websites built with Neve and Neve Pro, having Sparks activated.

Building a shop page in Elementor means that you can take advantage of the styling options that may not be in the Customizer too.

In this case, some of the modifications come from Elementor and some from the Customizer, which is why Neve will not change the shop page or the single product if it has been built with Elementor.

If you want to make such changes and configure the website using both of the settings' palettes, we have created a filter you can add to the child theme:

function neve_overwrite_elementor_check( $should_load ) {
    if ( class_exists( 'WooCommerce', false ) && is_shop() ){
		return true;
    return $should_load;
add_filter( 'neve_pro_run_wc_view', 'neve_overwrite_elementor_check', 11, 1);

This function will bring back the functionality from Neve to the Customizer, even if you're using an Elementor template; otherwise, they cannot be accessed:

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