What is the Difference between MPG Free and MPG PRO?

The Multiple Pages Generator plugin is one of the most valuable tools for boosting your website's visits through SEO implications. MPG free and PREMIUM offer many features, but the main difference between these two is that the free plan has a limit of only one template. Also, the schedule source import is available only in the PREMIUM version.

Which product suits you better,  Free or PREMIUM?

🧰 Tools Needed:

  • The Multiple Pages Generator plugin - more details about installing and options can be found here.
  • The Multiple Pages Generator PREMIUM plugin - more details about installing and options can be found here.

🗂 Features

The MPG plugin has six panels with options ( Main, Shortcode, Sitemap, Spintax, Cache, Logs ), but only the Main panel contains differences between the free and premium versions:

Features MPG MPG Pro


Entity type
From here you can choose pages or posts, that will be generated by MPG.
Yes Yes


Depending on the entity type, here will be displayed in the dropdown all those pages / posts, from which you can select one that will become a template for the ones generated now.

Yes Yes
Apply if URL contains
This works like a filter, deciding what pages from your list will contain the new template, depending on what the URL contains.
Yes Yes
Exclude template from crawlers and site loops

Make the template invisible to the site crawlers and within the website.
Yes Yes
Participate in the search?

This option should be enabled to find the generated pages within your website during the search of your website.
Yes Yes

Source - Direct Link

Direct link to source file
Insert the file link ( Google Sheets or CSV ) to generate data for the MPG pages. It needs to have public access.
Yes Yes
Worksheet ID
Copy and paste the worksheet ID from Google Sheets or leave it as it is.
Yes Yes
Set periodicity
Set how often you want the project to check and sync with the content of the source file.
- Yes
First Fetch Date / Time
Pick the first date and time for the fetching process.
- Yes
You can choose to receive notifications related to the fetching process ( Do not notify, Errors only, or Every Time ).
- Yes
Notification Email
Insert the email address where the notifications will be sent, by default it will be the admin email.
- Yes
Data preview Yes Yes

Source - Upload File

Choose .csv, .xlsx or .ods file from your computer Yes Yes
Data preview Yes Yes

URL Generation

URL Generation
You can select from the dropdown list the shortcode that would create a great URL. It will be added to the URL format template. 
Yes Yes
URL Format Template
You can use here any combination of shortcodes, plain text, with separators. 
Yes Yes
Default separator Yes Yes
Trailing slash settings
You can choose whether to display the trailing slash (the last / ) or not.
Yes Yes
URL preview
Check what the URLs look like and make some changes if there's needed.
Yes Yes

📝 Note: For a detailed description of each of the above settings, check this doc.


The MPG plugin has two types of settings that contain specific options: Advanced Settings and Search Settings.

Features MPG MPG Pro

Advanced Settings

Update tables structure
Allows you to refresh the MPG tables, similar to the disabling / enabling process of the plugin.
Yes Yes

Page Builders Compatibility

it's recommended if the generated pages are not displayed correctly ( there is no header, footer, non - replaced shortcodes ).

Yes Yes
WordPress base path 
Recommended if there are problems with the sitemaps due to the constant change of the ABSPATH used for security reasons.
Yes Yes
Cache hooks
Installing different plugins, builders, or different versions of WordPress may cause the MPG settings, and from this section, you can change the options to solve the issues.
Yes Yes

Search Settings

Single search result template
This option requires the search page of the website, which is available if you add ?s=string at the end of the URL. From there, you should copy the HTML code and replace the static text with shortcodes presented under the textbox ( Supported shortcodes ).
Yes Yes
Text before MPG search results
You can add a certain piece of text to appear before MPG search results.
Yes Yes
Search results block selector
You should set the selector that will be used as a container for the results generated by MPG.
Yes Yes
Is it case sensitive search?
Check this if you want your search to be case-sensitive.
Yes Yes
Featured image header name
Set a header name for the places where there is located image URL to be set to each search result.
Yes Yes
Excerpt length
Set a maximum of words to be displayed in the posts of the search results.
Yes Yes
Max results count on a page
Set how many pages should be displayed on a search result page.
Yes Yes

💌 Support

Features MPG MPG Pro (Personal)
MPG Pro (Bussiness)
MPG Pro (Agency)
Support  - Yes ( for 1 site ) Yes ( for 5 sites ) Yes ( for unlimited sites )
Priority support - - Yes Yes + Live Chat support

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